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Had an offer on our Toyota Corolla


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Is there a website I can go to in order to find the value of a 2000

Toyota Corolla.  A neighbor has offered to buy it from us as he

needs a car.  Before I entertain the idea, I would like to find

out its value, more or less.

Also, since I have never sold (or bought) a used vehicle in France, can

anyone say if the procedure is straight forward?  I have all the

paperwork on the car - carte grise, Controle Technique receipts,

original purchase receipts, etc.  I assume these would go with the

car if I sold it..

Thanks for any replies and sorry if this has been covered before. 

I am off to pick cherries on my neighbor's farm and don't have the time

to search to see if this has been covered before.  Will search it

later.   Just thought someone might know right off the top of

their head.

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Lori, you will need a form to fill in to say you have sold the car on, our buyier turned up with one fortunately. It is called a Certificat de cession d`un Vehicle( I presume this is available at the prefecture as their name and address are at the letter head) We also needed a document to say that the car didn`t have any money owing on it, we got this from our Maire, she downloaded it from the Gouvernment website, can`t remember its propper tittle but it was something like sans de gage. If you pop back at lunch and read this , I should make enquiries of your fellow pickers.

Hope this helps.

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Yes, Opas, I did ask my neighbors while we were picking this morning.

They said I go to the Mairie for the form you mentioned, complete the

form, note and date the Carte de Grise with the date and hour of sale,

sign it and have the buyer sign it.  Send a letter to my insurance

company with a copy of the forms noting the sale and the name of the

individual advising that insurance can stop on the vehicle.  So

far, no one else has mentioned noting that there is nothing owing on

the vehicle.  I do have the bill of sale.

I think that was all they said.

Good idea, JC.  My neighbors suggested the same thing.  There

is a Toyota dealer in Carpentras, I will give them a call or pop by so

they can see the vehicle.

Thanks guys.

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The seller must pass on the existing Carte Grise marked “Vendu le” and date/time of sale.

A "Certificate de cession d’un vehicle" (dated the same date). Showing the Vendors detail's etc. There are 3 copies, one for the Vendor one for the Buyer and one for the Prefecture.

Plus a "Certificate de situation non gage" from the Vendor, showing that there are no charges on the car by the Judiciary, the Treasury or Bailiffs and details of the car, registration number make and type. (you can go online to the government website put in the registration numbers etc and get the non gage certificate immediately.)

And if the vehicle is 4 years or older it will require a Controle technique (MOT) dated less than six months prior to the sale/re-registration

The buyer must then re-register the car in his name within the next 15 days by submitting the following documents to the prefecture:


Demand de certificate d’immatriculation (application form to register the car)

The old Carte Grise

Certificate de cession d’un automobile


Certificate de situation non gage.


If the vehicle is 4 years or older it will require a Controle technique (MOT) dated less than six months prior to the sale/re-registration


Utility bill


Pièces à fournir pour un véhicule précédemment immatriculé en France 

Au guichet : 

·                         la carte grise (ancien modèle) remise par le vendeur, revêtue de la mention « vendu le » ou « cédé le », de la date de la vente et de la signature du vendeur, 

Le coin supérieur droit de la carte aura été préalablement découpé, lorsqu'elle comporte l'indication du coin à découper. 

Par correspondance : 

·                         la partie haute de la carte grise (s’il s’agit du nouveau modèle de carte grise) remise par le vendeur, revêtue de la mention « vendu le » ou « cédé le », de la date de la vente et de la signature du vendeur, 

Cette partie haute peut être adressée par courrier avec le dossier complet de demande de nouvelle carte grise à la sous-préfecture ou préfecture. 

·                         une enveloppe libellée à son adresse affranchie au tarif d'une lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception (20 grammes). 

Le coupon détachable, complété par les coordonnées du nouveau propriétaire (et signé par le vendeur), lui permet de circuler pendant 1 mois, jusqu'à réception de sa nouvelle carte grise. 

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Thanks to you all.  Les, that is most helpful.  SD, which

form are you referring to when you say CT?  Sorry, I just wasn't


I did find the value of the car listed on Edmunds.com  and several other websites. 

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]Controle technique[/quote]

Yes thanks, I had forgotten to add that to the list, I will edit the post, to include that if the vehicle is over 4 years old it will require a Controle technique dated less than six months prior to the sale.

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