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Help with registering car in France


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Hello All

I am STILL trying to register my British Land Rover Discovery - talk about having to go through hoops.  Patience is not one of my virtues...

Anyway, DRIRE have now said that they need two more bits of information:

1. The "typique moteur" (I think she said) comprising "deux chiffres et une lettre" after the words Land Rover - can anyone help with what this means?

2. The "poids a vide" (I think she said as well).  So far, I have supplied the PTAC poids total en charge (2720 kg), the PTRA poids total roulant (3500 kg), the poids maxi essieu avant (1200 kg) and the poids maxi essieu arriere (1650 kg).  These had to be estimated from my handbook (with the help of a Land Rover dealer) as the plate had worn on the engine.

Could someone help?  Is Sunday Driver out there in the ether?

With thanks,

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Can't help with the first one - no idea what she means - but the second (poids a vide) is just the vehicle's unladen weight (should be in the handbook).  For the first one, she wasn't by any chance asking for the engine type and horsepower (chevaux) was she?


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Phil - you might be right because she might have said 'type moteur' ? perhaps.  When I relied 'gazole', she said that is not what she wanted.  It was difficult - I speak very good French but not technical motoring French!  I really tried to pin her down on the exact information but she wasn't too cooperative (even though she is in the department that registers British cars!). Eeekkk!
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If it's not too far to go then you could go back and hope to get someone more co-operative, perhaps.  I know that the HP rating (in HP not Kw) is one of the things that goes on the form for the DRIRE - have you already given that?


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can,t help with the first one but for the second one find your local weigh bridge " Bascule"  usually the local seed merchants i asked my local garage  and they were a great help  they should also be able to help with the other problem as well.  hope this helps some.
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Sandt - The problem is that I am in Bristol and the car is a few hundred miles south in Bordeaux!  However, thank you for taking the trouble to reply.  I am going to look in the handbook.  What's so infuriating is that I have looked at the DRIRE form again (I kept a copy) and poids a vide was not asked for.  Oh well, le bureaucracy francais... C'est une mode de vie...
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same thing happened to me on the weight as well  i don,t know which drire office you have to use but i used the charente. and there they wanted the weighbrdge tickets . as long as the wiegts are shown in kg i am sure an english weighbridge will do . i quoted the official weights  but the tickets were insisted on. if you are using a different office it may be different depends on whom you talk to i,ve found 
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Not sure why the DRIRE are asking for this information. If your vehicle is a standard spec' model then you should be able to obtain a certificate of conformity from the manufacturer (Land Rover France, service homologation: 01 61 01 62 61) and head straight to the prefecture. If however you have a vehicle that does not carry conformity approval then you might be embarking on an RTI (réception à titre islolée). A Land Rover with extra seats, engine swap, LPG etc will come under the 'non-conform' category and can only be imported via the DRIRE. In some cases Land Rover will issue a certificate of partial conformity. This will still mean liaising with the DRIRE but the paperwork should be more straightforward.

If you have a RTI questionnaire to complete then there is a host of tech spec' that you are going to have to supply in addition to the two points you have already mentioned. The type moteur would be the engine model as follows :

section 3 Moteur > 3.1 Denomination du type : TDV6  or V8 etc

The poids à vide (section 2) is indeed just a trip to a bascule publique (or pont-bascule as it is sometimes called) who will measure the following 3:

total unladen weight, (PV)
weight on front axle, (PV1)
weight on rear axle. (PV2)
(These readings should be taken with full tank of fuel but without driver)

Agricultural grain suppliers will often have weighbridges but some are reluctant to put their stamp on the weight readings. If you are close to Bordeaux then you should head to the large lorry park (zone international de fret) which is on the ring-road/rocade at Bruges (about 5 mins from Ikea). There is a public weighbridge and for about 20€ they'll give you a proper print out.

Personally I would start with a call to Land Rover in Paris to see if your vehicle corresponds with european conformity (they just need to cross check the VIN number). With a bit of luck they will be able to issue a certificate and you can head straight to the prefecture without knocking on the DRIRE door!

Hope this helps


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             ok sure i have posted this before but ......... our local garage does the whole run around bit for a fixed charge of €100 , the only thing you have to  do is get your own ct and import cirtificate from the hotel de imports.

             €100 of gaz oil is only 3-4  trips to niort


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It's not usually a problem getting registered as long as your car is unmodified,

under 10 years old and built in the EU.  Follow Sunday Driver's comprehensive instructions here and unless you meet a particularly awkward official, as Cathy appears to have done, it should not go wrong.


PS The certificate of conformity

is in the back of the car handbook these days so there should be no need to contact Land Rover. 
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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote user="TheWalkingDude"]My car overheated in the French heat the other day and I have come up with an ingenious system to prevent this. Simply fill the ice tray with petrol and then freeze it….. it makes handy little petrol cubes which will cool your engine when used ……….. probably Joe[/quote]


       what sort of wine are you drinking ?????

           petrol freezes at -72 F ...a lot lower than your freezer can reach!!!!!!1


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Hmmm, Walking Dude - I think some of your posts could benefit from the addition of 'smileys' fifth drop down box from the left, just above this box

.[:)] - smile

[:D] big smile

[:(] sad


Remember you are a new member here, other forum members maybe a little uncertain just how to take some of your posts !


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[quote user="TheWalkingDude"]Thanks for the advise . I have looked for drop down boxes but see none ... there is a row of icons here... Is that what you mean. Hey... at least I got some life in me.... Joe[/quote]

Press the reply button - you 'should' see Subject then below that Message, directly  below that is a horizontal 'box' with from left to right :

a figure (which is the type face size) default 3,

the type face, default Times,

color of typeface, default black,

highlight, default white

then Insert Smiley

To the left of that is a bar with 'Word' like icons

Which browser are you using ?

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At the risk that this is a wind-up I'm replying to, I'll carry on!

When you click on 'Reply' you get a message box where you type your message.  Above that is a menu bar.  Running from left to right, this allows you to change the size of the text, the font, the colour, to highlight (except I can't get this one to work) and to insert smilies [Www].  Then various other things like bold, italics, underline, etc.

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I apologise, I take it all back.  The Forum does indeed look different if I switch to Internet Explorer 7 Beta2.  You can't post smilies in your messages because the menu bar does not appear.  I've just switched to IE from Mozilla Firefox and it's exactly as you describe it!  :-)

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Is there some way I can send a photshot of my page. If there is please tell me so I can send it to the Mod.

My page does not have the items you mention.

IE 7 is very new and very few people use it. Has anyone else got this problem?

The mod plainly does not believe me... If she did she would not have used the words 'if' and 'really' in her message.

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This is weird using the Forum in IE7 - it just looks so different! This teeny tiny box to type your message in! Post a message to James the Forum wizard in the last section of the Forum Topics relating to Technical issues. He may be able to tweak something to get the site to work in IE7. But it looks like a meaty job to fix!
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It is a small box but OK.

I would not ask for any changes to be made here though as it could be seen as contraversial....

I get the impression most users will be using 'applemac' anyway....

It is so much more pc to use that as a pc.

Here is a winking eye ;-) just in case someone wants to feign offence. Appareantly that helps avoid people being offended.


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