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parking infront of a garage


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I have a neighbour who has lots of visitors. parking is quite limited and recently this neighbours guests have started parking infront of my garage. My car is not kept in there and my neighbour knows this, but the garage is in use, ie kids bikes, my mobylette, firewood , freezers etc.  I was thinking of putting a sign on the doors (the ones with the loi no xxx on them) but notice today that this neighbours guest has parked infront of another neighbours garage WITH one of those signs ON.

So IF  I do put one of these signs on my door and it is constantly ignored, who would I contact to enforce this law?

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[Www]  Any other neighbour would have been fine. We have had issues with this neighbour in the past and I now feel they are pushing their luck!

So all the garages that have thesesigns with law numbers on them are policed by who? 

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It seems you know who is parking in front of your garage, and I assume where they live, so why dont you just let them park there and if you really need to get into your garage then you could knock on someones door and ask them to move their car.

This would avoid all sorts of unpleasantness. No?

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AHH, but is that legal.!?

There was a lovely BMW 1100 motorcycle parked outside the other night, I was tempted to put the chain on that secures my trailor spare wheel but was unsure of my rights.

Will, If anyone I know brought an HGV or just the cab up our village street it would be a miracle and definatly against the law[:-))]

As I have already asked, who do I contact to enforce this law, the Gendarmes, Police Municiple?


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[quote user="Fluffy Kitten"]Do you think that the postmodernist irony of that gesture would be completely understood by someone who has trouble with 'defense de stationner'?


Now speaking of Irony, I must do some as we are due at the salle des fetes in less than an hour! perhaps I shall have a word with Marie[:'(]

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I had similar problems when I moved into my house which had been abandoned for many years and the parking area had been used every day by many workers at the Airbus factory opposite. Parking there is somewhat restricted but most people were parking for convenience.

I started with a chain and a no parking sign but people continued to just park outside this obstructing my access, I then started asking people to move and was met with much confusion especially at lunch times when they thought that I should be more understanding so that they could block the access for 2 hours.

I always remained polite but firm and more importantly consistent, it has taken 18 months for the word to generally spread round and I rarely get problems now only from the very selfish visitors.

During the 18 months I did clamp one persistant lunch time visitor who turned out to be the Beau Frere of a labourer that I was using (we had been introduced) who had thought that I wouldn't mind.

I also had cause to complain to Airbus on two occasions and in both cases they responded very quickly.

What I have learned from my experiences was that I did a very wrong thing to clamp the first vehicle and I would have been viewed very badly by people around here if it hadn't turned out to have an amusing conclusion, secondly that Airbus said that if they couldn't find the owners of the vehicles (that had severely restricted my access) they would contact the Police for me who they said would trace the owner and/or remove the vehicle.

My advice would be to knock on your neighbours door each time and ask for their guests to move their vehicles, be polite, firm and consistent. You will get responses like "oh they will only be a few minutes" or "where else can they park" just remain calm, firm and above all polite.

Eventually it will become to much trouble for them and they will be the first ask their guests to move.

In fact it is perhaps the selfishness of their friends that is the real problem compounded by them allowing it to happen, at my house in England I have several times in the past had cause to ask friends and guests to park their cars with more consideration or not park on the kerb.

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[quote user="Fluffy Kitten"]Do you think that the postmodernist irony of that gesture would be completely understood by someone who has trouble with 'defense de stationner'?


Now speaking of Irony, I must do some as we are due at the salle des fetes in less than an hour! perhaps I shall have a word with Marie[:'(]

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Just after my last posting, Mr O called up to say the gendarmes were here.........telepathy or what/ anyway they were on their way to the buffet super at the mairie, unfortunatly they left when the speaches ended so I didn,t get chance to speak with them. My daughters friends mum then approached me to say she had parked infront of my garage, pas de problem .....25 euros!.....her face was a picture.[;-)]
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I have got a solution, if you do not use your garage for the car, put some boulders in front.  When we arrived here, I could not believe my eyes when people were reversing into our driveway to turn around.  A couple of nice boulders soon solved the problem.  After a few scrapes on their undercarriage as they can't be seen in the dark, they soon got the message. The gendarmes seem a bit o.t.t.


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