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Driving Licences from Eastern Europe

Tony F Dordogne

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Some weeks ago we had a thread which discussed problems with people being disqualified and then getting driving licences from eastern Europe.  Somebody posted the www.eudocuments.com web address (one of at least 6 that these crew have used, all of which get closed down when things get too hot) and the scrotes running that site challenged people to see whether they were illegal or not.

Well I took up the challenge and wrote to all the London MEPs.  I've got a long reply from an MEP, the DVLA and a European Commissioner which paraphrased say:

The DVLA and EU Commission know about this 'company'

They have operated under a number of guises, all of which are illegal

The intelligence that they have at DVLA clearly shows that while the 'company' is happy to take money from people, the people never get what they pay for

People who pay them money have no recourse (excuse me officer, been ripped off whilst attempting to break the law, dohhhh) because they are attempting to break the law which the company rely on to get away with things

The Constabulary concerned is currently investigating the activities at a UK address where the company, which uses a Hungarian bank account, has a base

The EU Commission is now undertaking an investigation with which the DVLA will be part

And, if people did go for this sort of thing, get a licence from eastern Europe etc, they would be liable for a number of criminal offences for which they would certainly be prosecuted if caught

Obviously the DVLA is well aware of this - basically, this is just a scam designed to part those disqualified from driving from even more of their money on top of their fines.  It just b****y well serves them right if the disqualified driver is that devious and crooked to try this on, they deserve to be ripped off - but those doing the ripping off are being investigated and I think this scam's days are probably numbered.  

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That is very interesting.  If they know they are operating illegally, why don't they shut them down?  You mention shutting them down here or there.  What do they do, move on to another bank / location?  How do they keep their website up?

I'm not suggesting the place is legit, not at all, I just wonder how they keep operating.


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Lori, it's because they're professional criminals who can use the internet well - and there are plenty of people out there willing to flout the law to get licences when they shouldn't have them.  Same argument could be made of child porn sites but they still exist.

This is criminals scamming other criminals so not a lot of sympathy anywhere really but the problem with Internet crime is finding the source and having the resources to do anything about it.  I think though from the tone of all the letters that I've been sent that the authorities are really chasing this down now because they can see how dangerous this could be for everybody.

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Not just Driving licenses,how many of the non France/Uk vehicles have got legitimate tax/insurance/CTor Mot?I've seen vehicles being driven around on East European platse for a lot longer than the law allows.
















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I did take a look at the website as I was curious.  I think I read the entire site.  I didn't see an address anywhere.  Just an email address.  The site said that anyone placing an order would be given a UK phone number and address.  That doesn't sound very legitimate to me.  I also noted that the dvla website was linked a couple of times on the site.  I would think the DVLA would want that link removed as it implies the site is legit.  Is it so hard to force them to remove it (the link)?

I realize the Internet can be filled with all kinds of illegal "stuff."  But, this website remains the same (the address itself).  I thought it was pretty easy to shut down known illegal websites.  Isn't that what they do with the child pornography sites?

I think the site not only caters to other criminals, but other innocent dumbies who might just believe what they read on the site.


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Hi Lori

They can't be innocent dumbies of they are trying to get their licences back illegally - it's an overt act they are committing, the people doing this are trying to get a licence to which they are not entitled because tyhey have been banned by law - innocent and dumbies they're not.

And if it were that easy to get these guys, like the Nigerian scammers can carry on when they're closed down, they would have done so I'm sure.  You close them down and they just pop up somewhere else when it's so easy to manipulate the Internet for web addresses etc.

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As Tony says, investigations of this kind are complex and take time to reach a conclusion.  Very often, the investigators will allow the site to remain open for the purposes of gathering evidence.  Also, premature enforcement action could drive the criminals underground.

Innocent dumbies would have no need to become involved with this website.  However, if they have a disqualification and decide to apply for an illegal licence to circumvent this, then they stop being innocent dumbies and become criminal dumbies.....


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