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building a house from scratch

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Hi to all

Is there a part of this forum or any link/s, which deals with the various stages in building a house in France?

I’m expecting to complete the purchase of a plot of land in late June 2005 and would like to be ready to submit my plans soon after (I have a certificate of urbanisation) and then go on to getting it started.


Any help, pointers in the right direction or past experiences would be most welcome. I do speak a little French but it doesn’t go to reading, writing or much more than eating and seeming a little foolish (I will learn though).


If there is intrest I will post details of each stage of the build, the joys, the probs, the laughter and tears. LOL


Thanks in advance



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Hi Euge

What a shame, 67 views of this post, and not one reply. I for one will be extremely interested to read about your quest for a self build, and the slips, falls, and learning curve involved.

Sadly, I don't have anything to offer in terms of knowledge, but I can't wait for your story.

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Does anyone have?

A)    Copies of the form needed to submit detailed plans of a domestic property to the Mayor or who ever else I should be sending it to (the name of this form would be helpful)? I'm in area 16

B)     A copy of any house plans already submitted. I have drawing my own but would like to see how much detail is to be included on submitted drawings.

C)    A copy of the accompanying paperwork submitted with house plans, giving details of the other aspects to be considers by those who will approve or reject the project.

D)    The names/addresses/telephone numbers of any Architect, Architect collages, or other persons qualified to draw and submit plans for approval.

E)     The names/addresses/telephone numbers of any building related individuals/firms who you feel are worth recommending.

F)     If you’re a ground worker, brick layer, labourer, carpenter, roofer, plasterer builder and are looking for work please contact me.

F)     The names/addresses/telephone numbers of any building related individuals/firms, you feel are worth AVODING

G)    Any other advice you think would be helpful in this quest to build a house from scratch.

Please feel free to post any replies here (if it’s allowed) or directly to my e-mail address eugeneathome@hotmail.com


So fare I am up to the stage of being ready to send the final amount needed to pay for the land and thus sign the ‘Act of Purchase,’ later this month (June 2005).

This may not seem fare along the line to finishing the house, but you have to start somewhere. To this point there have been many things to learn, some where prepared for and others (sort of) dumped unexpectedly right on me.

For many of you who have bought in France you will understand what I’m on about and may have experienced some of the follies I will be mentioning along the way.

For those who are happy to help where you can, I thank you and  promise this is not a one-way street of me just taking and learning only from you. I will be posting each stage of the project for others to learn from my experiences. Perhaps it might be entertaining from time to time and hopefully we will end up with a record most can follow of how to self build a property from scratch. For others who wish to just follow this project, I hope you find it interesting. Keep your fingers crossed for me, as this is a lifetime dream in the making.


I will go into more detail at a later stage to cover the points of each leg of my project to ‘build a house in France from scratch,’ But if anyone has a question to ask about a particular point (up to where I am so far,) please fire away, but remember this is free and I may need time to answer, so don’t get impatient.


Best to all


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Of the things you will have to take into account there is a special insurance that you will need to take out during the building process......... BJSLIV usually posts what this is called and should be there if you do a search. It is costly and covers for liability etc during the building. Your normal house insurance doesn't cover this.

Also there will be a one off tax(s) you will have to pay upon completetion espace verte or something or other. I daresay that this will vary from region to region, but can come as a shock never the less.



All the forms will be available at your Mairie. It might be a good idea to go in and see them and go over your basic plans anyway and see what the local requirements/regs are. 

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I can recommend a French architect, which was recommended to us by someone he had done good work for, including extras without increasing his fee, he speaks english and works on a quoted fee basis, he hasn't done any work for us yet (we are still waiting for completion of the land purchase) but we met on site and discussed options and he quoted a very competitive price;

Yves Cohen, Architect

92 Boulevard de la republique, 1600, Angouleme

0033 (0)545953370

Also a French builder in (16) who works in Charente and Dordogne and has done work for us, he speaks english (his wife answers the phone and only speaks french so you will need enough french to ask when to speak to Patric or write), again, he was recommended by others and he has done good work for us on our existing property including a new roof, stone wall and new gravel drive. Patric Anastase; Entreprise Zizard
0033(0)545 98399979
Chez Teve; 16210, Bellon, (nr Montmoreau, south of Angouleme)

Good Luck We look forward to seeing how you get on!

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Thanks for responding to my request for names, addresses and telephone numbers of people who may be able to help put my project together, (keep them coming if you will). It’s nice to know there are people out there who are prepared to help a stranger and hopefully as I put this together, others may benefit for all, or just the various parts of building a house from scratch.


I will be posting stage one (Buying land or derelict building) of the project soon. This was the first decision my partner and I had to make when choosing what to buy.


Many of you responded via my private email address (which is great) but will you please put in the ‘Subject bar’ a name or reference to do with building (I nearly deleted some e-mails, thinking they might be the normal junk mail which come in from time to time).


I will be getting in touch with those people and services you’ve suggested, then will get back to you to let you know what happened.


I am still finding my way around this forum and can’t seem to find a search tag to try to find the posts of BJSLIV (offered by Forum Guru). Is there a link or was this an abbreviation?


Again thank you all for taking the time to offer help.


Best to all


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If you go to the top right hand isde of this webpage, you will find the Search there. Click on it and a drop down box appears.
Inside that box is Advanced Search. Click on that and you will be taken to the search page.
Put BJSLIV in the right hand box, check the box for exact ID and then click on Search.

Et voila!!

Good luck with the house build.


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