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VW Certificate of Conformity Weights


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Im guessing this is going to be a new one on you all but before I try VW France I thought Id ask.

VW sent us a Certificate of Conformity for our Sharan in German. As it was the first issue, it was free. It contained the all important e1* number and at the Prefecture this wasnt raised as an issue. Unfortunately, the guy said that the 'weight' wasnt in the right format and so he couldn't proceed with the application. Some of the weights are in the format 0*11KG which seem be the weight divided by 100, whilst the main weight is 1k24 KG

Has anyone else encountered this or know exactly which weights they require as the chap didnt elaborate?


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I would read 1k24KG as 1240kg, ie the k is in the decimal point place for the weight to be in tonnes, if that makes sense ? 

It could be written as 1.24 kkg ie 1.24 x million grams or 1.24 x 1000 kilograms or 1240 kg or 1.24 tonnes.  well, I know what I mean !! 

If you'd studied engineering for countless years you'd know !

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I had a similar problem where I wanted to pay the Drire for a Cof C (or attestation of Cof C perhaps) and was in the crazy situation of the weights printed on the VIN plate were again in a different format to those required on the application form for the certificate.

We fiunally sensibly resolved the administrative "chicken and egg" by him printing out the certificate and reading out the weights to me so that I could fill out the form to apply for it[:)]

So if you dont get any further with the prefecture go to the Drire, show them your certificate and ask them how the weights differ from the one on their system, hopefully they will be obliging and not charge you.

Good luck

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Brilliant Ernie :-D

PCWhizz, yeah thats exactly how I read but seemingly it wasnt good enough for the chap at the Prefecture.

Thanks for the suggsestion J.R. We actually applied to DRIRE first before getting the COC but they werent interested. Will try them again and see if they can clear up what it is that our COC does or doesnt contain

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