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Necessary to change to a French License?

Ron Avery

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I understand that on another Forum (known for its unsubstantiated rumours) it has been suggested that those in France on UK licenses will have to change these shortly due to the photocards on UK licenses having to be renewed every three years.  As a new photocard cannot be issued to other than a UK address, its saying we will have to change to French licenses to continue to have a valid license, anyone heard anything of this?

 It sounds like "a man down the English bar told me" yarn to me, but you never know what with the measures being proposed to combat ID theft and terrorism in the UK.

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The government website still states a ten-year renewal of photo licences..................... Here

On the question of issue to holders with non-uk addresses, this has always been so. In the prefecture in Poitiers the lady advised me only two weeks ago that they had been advised to expect a lot of british licence holders coming in this year for licence changes due to the fact that its ten years since its introduction.

It seems that the days of getting a "pas necessaire" are coming to an end.


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Just as well I still have my original UK paper license good for another 20+ years then!

I have always resisted getting a photocard one on the grounds of cost (and my address hasnt changed), I thought paying out every 10 years was a rip off when the one I have (and have paid for albeit perhaps indirectly) was valid for 53 years, do they now have to be renewed or have a new photo every three years and at what cost?

Even my passport is valid for 10 years with the same photo. My betting is thay will find a way to renage (dont know the spelling) on my 53 year one probably on the grounds of anti-terrorism.

I guess from your posting Ron anyone with a UK photocard license living permenantly in France and without a UK address would have had to change to a French one after 10 years anyway, it will be even more in their interests now to avoid the 3 yearly charge.

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It's b****cks. Although there has been talk under anti-terrorism legislation of using the photocard licence as a form of identity card this is only talk. DVLA only requires photocards to be renewed more often than every 10 years when this is necessary for medical reasons, or is required for certain categories of vehicle. The main exception is that after the age of 70 the licence has to be renewed every three years (though the photograph is not updated).

The ten year thing doesn't apply to EU-style paper licenses anyway.

Edit - post changed after double-checking, original source information was misleading.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

I understand that on another Forum (known for its unsubstantiated rumours) it has been suggested that those in France on UK licenses will have to change these shortly due to the photocards on UK licenses having to be renewed every three years.  [/quote]

I don't think anything has changed. Isn't it still the case that if you are approaching 70 in the UK then your next licence will only be valid for 3 years by dint of age? I remember my mum having to renew her licence sometime around her 73rd birthday.


Edit: Will beat me to it!

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[quote user="Cat"]Is this the piece that suggests the 3 year renewal for licences?  http://www.french-news.com/content/view/3010/216/lang,en/[/quote]

I expect that is where its come from Cathy.

Why do these stupid people say these things without checking them out first??[:@]  This article clearly states a recent change in UK law requires this,  nothing to do with being 70, which nobody else can find any mention of!![:@]

I expect there will be the usual retraction in the "we wrote bowlocks again column"


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I wrote to the Specialists who wrote the article in french news. This is their reply.

Dear Mr Bugbear ,


Thank you for your e-mail today. Unfortunately, the 'three-year photograph' is a wrong information of which we have become aware too late. A correction will be printed by French News, as follows :


"In our latest article, we mentioned that the photograph on UK driving licences had to be changed every three years. In fact, this is not accurate, as the DVLA has confirmed that :


" Photographs are required to be changed every 10 years. When providing a photograph it must be a recent one. DVLA require the most up to date information, therefore the most recent image is required".


 We apologize for this mistake, and will check more carefully our information for future articles."


Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


We remain at your disposal, should you have any further question.


Kindest regards


Françoise Schreinemachers

On behalf of Philippe Schreinemachers

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

I understand that on another Forum (known for its unsubstantiated rumours) it has been suggested that those in France on UK licenses will have to change these shortly due to the photocards on UK licenses having to be renewed every three years.  As a new photocard cannot be issued to other than a UK address, its saying we will have to change to French licenses to continue to have a valid license, anyone heard anything of this?

 It sounds like "a man down the English bar told me" yarn to me, but you never know what with the measures being proposed to combat ID theft and terrorism in the UK.



Does French News have a forum? i cannot seem to find it,can you point me in the right way.

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Clicking on Will's link takes you to an announcement regarding French News April edition page 16 which contained a warning that the penal code had been changed through decree 2004-293XBS making it compulsory to sign the reverse of the insurance vignette as well as the insurance certificate.  The change had also been included in the Highway Code and had come about following a trial period in Northern France which has now been extended to the rest of the country.

The link also includes a "CITIZENS’ UPDATE"   French News April 2008:

"This was our April Fool's Day hoax. Then we heard that it might have been fact. Now we're sure that it is a hoax.
Apologies to any readers who have been unsettled in any way."


That newspaper's credibility is now blown for all time, I think.  You really have to wonder about who's running that thing........[8-)]



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