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GPL for cars


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I have just had a quote of €3900 for a V8 Range Rover which I think is a bit on the pricey side compared to £1850-£2250 in the uk. There are quite a few places in France to choose from, just google  gpl.

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Well I tried Google for GPL and got exactly nowhere. Still searching though.

Is it feasible to take your French registered car on holiday to UK and get the conversion done there. Apart from the warranty issues (if needed) and annual service check (another holiday) it would seem to be a major saving.

I assume that the RR V8 would want the latest multipoint injection system with auto changeover and temperature permissive change to gas after start.

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I found this, but my French translating skills are not the best. It looks like you can get E2000 grant in the right circumstances, perhaps someone could translate effectively?????????????

A compter de janvier 2006

Carte grise : Taux d'exonération totale ou partielle dans de nombreux départements

Voir le taux d'exonération par département

Crédit d'impôt : L’article 200 quinquies du Code Général des Impôts est modifié comme suit :

« - Les contribuables qui ont leur domicile fiscal en France au sens de l’article 4B peuvent bénéficier d’un crédit d’impôt d’un montant de 2000 €

au titre des dépenses payées pour l’acquisition à l’état neuf ou pour

la première souscription d’un contrat de location avec option d’achat

ou de location souscrit pour une durée d’au moins deux ans d’un

véhicule automobile terrestre à moteur, dont la conduite nécessite la

possession d’un permis de conduire mentionné à l’article L. 223-1 du

code de la route et qui fonctionne exclusivement ou non au moyen du gaz

de pétrole liquéfié, de l’énergie électrique ou du gaz naturel

véhicule, dès lors que ce véhicule émet moins de 200 grammes de dioxyde de carbone par kilomètre »

Le crédit d’impôt s’applique également aux dépenses de transformation

effectuées par des professionnels habilités et destinées à permettre le

fonctionnement au moyen du gaz de pétrole liquéfié de véhicules encore

en circulation, dont la première mise en circulation est intervenue

depuis moins de trois ans et dont le moteur de traction utilise

exclusivement l’essence. Le Crédit d’impôt est porté à 3000 € lorsque

l’acquisition ou la première souscription d’un contrat de location avec

option d’achat ou de location souscrit pour une durée d’au moins deux

ans d’un véhicule répondant aux conditions énoncées au premier alinéa

s’accompagne de la destruction d’une voiture particulière immatriculée

avant le 1er Janvier 1997, depuis au moins douze mois à la date de sa

destruction et encore en circulation à cette même date.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]Is it feasible to take your French registered car on holiday to UK and get the conversion done there. Apart from the warranty issues (if needed) and annual service check (another holiday) it would seem to be a major saving.[/quote]

My understanding of this is that it is not currently advisable to do so, because in general UK aftermarket LPG conversions are not homologated in France - or else their UK homologation is not recognised in France, which amounts to the same thing in practice. One item in particular that seems to be an issue is the safety valve, from memory. There are two times when these issues could catch up with you: the CT and if you have an accident. I think that to benefit from the tax reduction, you would have to have the work done in France.



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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

Don't forget that you can't take a gas car on the Shuttle, .



I am sure that you can Pierre.

They ask you as part of the booking process and I believe that you are then given a different rear view mirror hanger/boarding card, presumably to enter into a different compartment.

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From the Eurotunnel website:


Vehicles fitted with LPG containers to power domestic services e.g. cooking, refrigeration, heating and water heaters are accepted as long as the containers are switched off, weigh no more than 47kg and are not more than 80% full. If your vehicle is fitted with such a container, you must declare this at Check-In.
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and dual powered vehicles (i.e. vehicles fitted with an LPG tank as an alternative fuel) cannot be accepted for transport by Eurotunnel.

© 2008 Eurotunnel. All rights reserved.

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[quote user="Pickles"][quote user="powerdesal"]Is it feasible to take your French registered car on holiday to UK and get the conversion done there. Apart from the warranty issues (if needed) and annual service check (another holiday) it would seem to be a major saving.[/quote]

My understanding of this is that it is not currently advisable to do so, because in general UK aftermarket LPG conversions are not homologated in France - or else their UK homologation is not recognised in France, which amounts to the same thing in practice. One item in particular that seems to be an issue is the safety valve, from memory. There are two times when these issues could catch up with you: the CT and if you have an accident. I think that to benefit from the tax reduction, you would have to have the work done in France.




An interesting point,  I wonder what is the French view ( C of C wise) of the fact that you can buy a new Vauxhall, direct from the manufacturer, fitted with dual petrol / LPG fuel systems ( I realise of course that you specifically say "aftermarket conversions")

Can I assume that no engine / fuel system modifications are allowed in France unless carried out by a certified French Company?

I know Holland and Italy are big on LPG conversions, does this mean that such cars from those countries would also experience the same problems at CT time or RTA.

I did figure from my limited translation that the conversion had to be done by a French Co, I thought the possibility of a grant to defray the expense may interest JMB given the size of the quote.

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If you buy a factory fitted GPL system, then it should figure on the EU certificate of conformity and therefore can be registered in France without problem.

If you buy an aftermarket system, then you need to submit the car to the DRIRE for an SVA certificate in order to have the carte grise amended to reflect the new fuel system.  The DRIRE will want to see conformity certificates for all the various elements of the conversion - there's a long list published on their website.


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