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Why has Gasoil caught up with the price of Sans Plomb?

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The answer is simply supply and demand. I assume you are talking about road vehicles here. Partly due to previously lower cost, there are far more diesel vehicles in France than petrol. Now that oil is in shorter supply, the previous differential is being eroded.


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I heard somewhere that the refineries are set up to produce less diesel than petrol. Historically, there has been no problem but now the demand for diesel (just note the increased number of diesel powered cars) has increased and there is a shortage leading to a premium being put on its price.


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So is it going up or down?

I last filled up a couple of weeks ago at Champion in my girlfriends town which for the last few years has always been the cheapest by a considerable margin, tday I filled up at my local Intermarché and paid €1.399, 4 cts less than last time, what will it be tomorrow? I dont know but I am glad that it is not me that has to shin up the pole each time to change the price[:D]

I dont really believe any of this supply & demand stuff, it is not as if there has been a sudden drought wrecking the petrol harvest, consumption of diesel has been steadily growing with the resultant decrease in demand for petrol for over 6 years, perhaps even longer for some of the more enlightened amongst us, it is not something that has measurably changed in the last few months.

And as for blaming the Chinese the same thing applies and they are also a very convenient political enemy at the current time, would the media otherwise be blaming the Iraquis?

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[quote user="ColinE"]


Heard today oil barrel prices had drop from 135$ to 122$ a barrel, dont see any petrol or diesl prices coming down, they are quick to put them up, same old story.



Oil prices have shot up more than 10 US dollars to a new record above

138 dollars a barrel after a Morgan Stanley analyst predicted prices

could hit 150 dollars by July 4.     http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080606/tuk-oil-prices-surge-to-new-record-6323e80.html

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quote user="J.R's gone native"

I dont really believe any of this supply & demand stuff, it is not as if there has been a sudden drought wrecking the petrol harvest, consumption of diesel has been steadily growing with the resultant decrease in demand for petrol for over 6 years, perhaps even longer for some of the more enlightened amongst us, it is not something that has measurably changed in the last few months.

And as for blaming the Chinese the same thing applies and they are also a very convenient political enemy at the current time, would the media otherwise be blaming the Iraquis?

end quote

You clealry then do not understand supply and demand.

Dickens had it put most simply

Income 5 pounds; expenditure 4 pounds 19 shillings and sixpence = bliss

Income 5 pounds; expenditure 5 pounds and sx pence = misery


Well both oil and diesel have moved from the 4 pounds 19 shillings and six pence to the 5 pounds and 6 pence state.  It takes very little to push you from one state to the other.


We can blame China and India for the oil price hikes because it is their new demand that has pushed us from bliss to misery, but the reality is that it is all of us.

As for diesel, again it is not just the inrease in diesel cars but also the fact that we have enjoyed - are probably still enjoying although it does not feel like it - an econimic boom.  and that means more trucks carrying more goods around the world.

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[quote user="andyh4"]quote user="J.R's gone native"

We can blame China and India for the oil price hikes because it is their new demand that has pushed us from bliss to misery, but the reality is that it is all of us.


One further blame to both China and India is that their governments give subsidies towards fuel, so keeping the prices artificial low.  Until these government remove all subsidies the demand in these countries will grow and this reflects in the price to us and the rest of the world.




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Why are oil prices so high?

Economists will tell you that prices are set by supply and demand and, indeed, at the heart of the rise in oil prices are what are known as the fundamentals.

Demand for oil has been growing as Asia's power-house economies such as China and India fuel their rapid economic expansion.

At the same time, there are all sorts of worries about the supply of oil.

A lot of the world's oil comes from somewhat unstable countries, so every time oil workers are attacked in Nigeria or Iraqi oil facilities are damaged, people get concerned about the supply of oil.

So fundamentally, people are worried that demand may be growing faster than supply, and oil is such an important commodity that they are prepared to pay more and more for it if they are worried.


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[quote user="TefkaC"]

Spot on Bugs, profiteering by market traders and oil companies.............




Or the Law of Supply and Demand.

Think most people would want to get the most the market will stand if they are selling a car or a house. Perhaps it is a case of the oil companies trying and getting the most.

Admittedly, this gives them obscene profits - and also, at least in the UK the government additional tax which is perhaps a disincentive to place a windfall tax on oil companies because they might reduce prices.


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There is no such thing as an obscene profit. Companies have a duty to their shareholders to deliver the highest possible return. I really don't know why people like the fisherfolk whine about it, they are getting the market price for their product they should learn how to run their business in a more productive manner.
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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

Wouldn't have happened if big John from Hull had taken over Gary[:P]



Certainly true with regard to meat pies Ron, but I'm not so sure about fuel.......................[:)]

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