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English Personalised Numberplates


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There was a totally inaccurate article published in one of the ex pat papers last year saying that cars "registered" already within the EU need not be registered in France again, it was information given by a French bureau.  Instead of questioning what "registered" meant (it actually meant the car identity being registered VIN number etc) they went ahead and printed it as if it meant immatriculated in France, despite them knowing that it should have been checked and clarified and that thousasnds of UK cars had been registered in France as is required by French law.

The answer to your question is that if you live in France you cannot have UK plates, personalised or not.

Edit.  There are ways round this  -  only  if it is an old car or collection - but thankfully in France we don't have personalised plates, all those who aspired to such things had their heads cut off years ago.[:P]

I saw a car the other day like LJW 200 and thought I wonder who that is that thinks that anybody seeing his car thinks that he is somebody famous , or have I just missed the point of personalised plates.  I have of course reserved 1 RA 12[:D]

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Not quite sure what Ron meant by that either but a simple answer to a simple question

"if I register my car in France it is possible to still use my English number plates"

is NO.

Registering your car in France means just that, registering, in the process of which you will be issued with a French number which you must henceforth display.

Whatever anybody else tells you or does the plain fact is that if you are French resident then there is no legitimate mechanism by which you can continue to drive on UK plates.

End of !

Hope this helps


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I am confused!!!!

Are we talking of an English registered vehicle or a UK registered vehicle?

I did not realise that you could register a car with English plates. I thought all car registrations were handled by the DVLA which is situated in Morriston a district of  Swansea in South Wales.

Maybe if your car is English registered then you can keep your English plates?????


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Yes. it's called 'Retention' and so long as the vehicle is UK regged and MOT'd (if applicable) then you can keep the number indefinately (I think). I'm sure the DVLA site will spell it all out.


You're confused ! [:-))] !

Have you perhaps replied to the wrong thread [blink]

English - UK registered, they are one and the same and what has Swansea to do with anything in context of the question [8-)]


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[quote user="Hagar"]

When you re-register in France I beleive DVLA in the UK  will reserve your personalised number for a small fee. It may be time limited. Suggest you check it out with DVLA.




It will be "reserved" but you cannot display it on a French registered vehicle instead of the issued French immatriculation no. Details of retention of numbers is on the DVLA website:

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