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Petrol/diesel mix


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Not long ago I was called out to help someone who had mistakenly started filling their diesel fourgon with petrol, I drained the tank and got them going successfully but am now left wondering what to do with the proceeds that are occupying my jerrycan.

I have about 16 or so litres of petrol containing what looks to be a very small amount of diesel, the tank was nearly empty when he started filling from the wrong pump.

Will it eventually settle out from gravity? - which is the heavier?

If not what can I do with it? I wont risk it in my girlfriends saxo as it has a catastrophic convertor, I would consider adding it in small measures to each tyank of diesel in my TDI but that also has a catastrophe and I dont know what if any is a safe mixture.

My petrol generator never gets used here as I dont get power outages like in the UK, the one time that I ran it by mistake on a 2 stroke mix it was hard to breath in the vicinity.

I could use it for 2 stroke mix but tha would last me till the next century.

Any other ideas, sell it on E-bay when the lorry blockade stars to bite?

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[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]I have about 16 or so litres of petrol containing what looks to be a very small amount of diesel, the tank was nearly empty when he started filling from the wrong pump.[/quote]Sorry JR but the thought of you with 16lt of contaminated petrol to dispose is the stuff of nightmares [6] [:D]


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]I have about 16 or so litres of petrol containing what looks to be a very small amount of diesel, the tank was nearly empty when he started filling from the wrong pump.[/quote]Sorry JR but the thought of you with 16lt of contaminated petrol to dispose is the stuff of nightmares [6] [:D]




Recycle Ernie, not dispose, ca peut toujours servir!

I think that we have the same wheels Ernie, I now know that mine is not a common rail diesel and possibly with a bosch injection pump rather than the pompe deuse so I am very tempted [6]


No lawn (at last!) so no lawn mower, my neighbour is a rather hapless bricoleur, he recently fitted a carburettor from a motobineuse (I reckon a mobylette!) to his mower which has completely the wrong calibration, the only way that he can cut the lawn is to rev the nuts off it until the valves bounce and launch into the grass whereapon it tries to stall quickly and then he revs up again for another attempt, it sounds like a banzai chainsaw but without any silencer  so I dont want to encourage him!

When his last redérie special threw a rod he brought the bits to me together with various other pistons and crankcases to see if I could do anything with them, there was at least 1/8 ovality on the tiny big end journal so I pronounced it beyond repair, the next day I heard some interesting mechanical mayhem as the newly rebuilt Frankenstien self destructed after 30 seconds

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Yes, same wheels and mine is non PD also (and the better for it from what I've heard).

I can't imagine that a litre or two of your concoction diluted in a full tank of diesel would do the slightest harm so go for it I say, I would.


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Well with a knackerd car you at least won't be able to drive over and kick 6 bells of u-no-wot out of me.

Alternatively of course, as you've demostrated that you like a little excitement to make your days go with a bang, you could of course keep it to fuel the stove in your new acquisition. The diesel element might pong for a couple of seconds but thats likely all it would be [:-))]


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Well it is running fine on a 4% mix at the moment, I now remember that my mate who sold it to me had mistakenly filled the tank with petrol and then driven it until it conked out, it worked OK when refilled but I was concerned about taking over the car a few days later.

It had done 182K miles then and I have since added another 40K so I am relatively happy that even 100% petrol for a short period will not damage the pump etc.

As it appears to be giving marginally more mpg I am going to progressively increase the dosage until I have used it all up and then start dosing with E85 at 81cts per litre.

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