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Missing cart gris


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The carte grise provides the all important proof of ownership.  Without it, you only have the seller's word that he was the owner of the vehicle.  How do you know it wasn't stolen?

You can't re-register the car without it, so you'll have to go back to him and get him to apply for a duplicate.  If he hums and hars, then prepare to lose the car and your cash....



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He should also give you a clearance slip (I forget the name) which you get from the Prefecture and shows that the car has no debt else you could find somebody knocking on your door asking for the balance of the loan if the seller hasn't paid it off. I know its a bit late but for others, never buy a French car without physically having the Carte Gris. The thing to think with this and other things in France is would you do the same in the UK, would you buy a car with no log book?

If I were you I would go to the local Gendarmes and tell them whats happened, they will check the car for you and give you a temporary Carte Gris which is valid for a limited period. This will give you time to get it sorted out.

You did get a signed reciept for the car with yours and the sellers name and address on?

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Uh Oh.

If the seller is genuine and they have honestly just lost it, they should be willing to apply for a duplicate to pass on to you. This will delay you registering the car in your own name till it arrives.

Think about it though - The carte gris should always be kept in the car. How likely is it to loose one? Not very if you ask me.

There are lots of cheap cars for sale sold "Sans Carte Gris". These are normally advertised as being for spares only, but not always. They are cheap though - But cheap for a reason IE its impossible to get a carte gris, therefor impossible to re-register the car. Perhaps the documents have been used to "ring" another car, perhaps the car has some other dodgy history that means it has no papers.....whatever the case, if this is applicable to you then Im afraid the car you have bought may very well be worthless, and useless to you.


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The car was born in 2000 , so maybe a bit old...


The person who sold me the car was moving back to England so he cannot get a replacement..


I would buy a English car without the logbook in fact I have bought loads...


I can see , this is not going to be simple...

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[quote user="dandaz"]

The person who sold me the car was moving back to England so he cannot get a replacement..


Is that what he told you.......[Www]

You've just bought the car from him so he's probably still at home.  Ring him up now and tell him to get off to his prefecture and apply for a duplicate first thing in the morning.  Tell him you'll pick it up tomorrow night.

Otherwise, under French jursiprudence, the sale is nul and void and you want your money back.

If he still tries to fob you off, tell him you're going to report the matter to the gendarmerie.....


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[quote user="dandaz"]The car was born in 2000 , so maybe a bit old...[/quote]A bit old [:'(]

I think a good few here, myself definitely included, would regard an 8 year old car as in the flush of youth. The newest car I have ever owned is the one I have now and that was 5 years old when I bought it.

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"][quote user="dandaz"]

The person who sold me the car was moving back to England so he cannot get a replacement..


Is that what he told you.......[Www]





This is fun....


About a month ago ,over the grape vine I heard someone wanted to sell their car [cheap] Renault Scenic ,he did`nt want to take it to England ,I had to go to England as well so I took him and his wife back in my van... 


I have the ct and all the service history and lots of people who knew him and his car ,so no skullduggery here...[:D]





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[quote user="dandaz"]I have the ct and all the service history and lots of people who knew him and his car ,so no skullduggery here...[:D][/quote]But still no Carte Grise [blink]

Perhaps if you print out this thread and take it to the Prefecture, translated into French of course, they will understand the tale and give you a replacement. Do take a thermos and a packed lunch though  [:)]

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The rules are pretty straightforward.

If the owner of a vehicle loses the carte grise or it is stolen then THAT person applies for a replacement.He must supply the following documents

Proof of address

Passport( or other piece of identity)

Declaration that it has been lost (declaration can be made on line)

An application for a new Carte Grise

Cheque for the amount due

Control technique


Only in very particular cases can someone who is not the owner obtain a new Carte Grise


So it looks as tho the OP will have to contact the registered owner so he can apply .


I would buy a English car without the logbook in fact I have bought loads...

is beside the point, this is France and the French rules are different.

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The OP can approach the D.R.I.R.E to get a carte grise according to the link, clearly they will want to authenticate its veracity and to check that it has not been reported stolen, it doesnt say whether it will carry the same or a new registration index number.

This is very similar to the UK and the procedure is necessary for all manner of resons for absence of a carte grise (repossesions, customs seizures, death of owner etc etc).

I too have bought many cars in the UK without a logbook, mainly at auction, and have always succeeded in getting a V5 under the similar procedure.

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My my wife washed my jacket with her Carte Gris in it ( [:'(] ) I went to our local Gendarmerie and tld them what had happened. I gave the the registration number of the car, they looked at my driving licence and gave me a temprorary CG after looking it up on their computer. The chap was ever so nice and helpful, we had a laugh about the wife and her washing. Took the temporary CG to the Prefecture, handed it in and walked out 20 minutes later with a new one. I can't remember how much I paid but it was not a lot.

If the OP's car has a CT then surely it must have had a CG at the time of the CT, well somebody must have anyway. As somebody else has said the rules in France are different to the UK and you must have one in the car to drive it, its an offence not to do so. No CT then the car is useless.

Having said all that I am sure the problem can be resolved but its going to take a bit of running around. I think you have done the guy a big favour buying the car and taking him and his wife back to the UK in your van, the least he can do is sort this out for you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Only in very particular cases can someone who is not the owner obtain a new Carte Grise


It was quite easy


Fill out a transfer form (which the former owner did not sign)

Fill out a form to say I lost the carte grise[B]

Fill out a new orwnership...

Pay for the pleasure ...


Good job a lot of your answers when over my head I would not get out of bed iin the morning...


Thanks for all the people who were helpfull....


I would buy another vehicle without the Carte Grise...[8-|]

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Sorry, but the prefecture clerk handling your application has made a serious mistake. They've issued a new carte grise to you without any proof that you are actually the legal owner of the vehicle.

Presumably I could turn up there tomorrow morning with an unsigned transfer form and say I've just bought your vehicle from you and lost the carte grise, then walk out with a new carte grise for your car in my name without you knowing about it.

Then if I nick your car and flog it, I've got the carte grise in my name to prove to the buyer that it's my property....

Still, you seem to know what you're doing.......[8-)]




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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Sorry, but the prefecture clerk handling your application has made a serious mistake. They've issued a new carte grise to you without any proof that you are actually the legal owner of the vehicle.

Presumably I could turn up there tomorrow morning with an unsigned transfer form and say I've just bought your vehicle from you and lost the carte grise, then walk out with a new carte grise for your car in my name without you knowing about it.

Then if I nick your car and flog it, I've got the carte grise in my name to prove to the buyer that it's my property....

Still, you seem to know what you're doing.......[8-)]






I suspect what he meant was that the transfer form was signed ,but the previous owner did not sign it  ie someone forged the previous owners signature.

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