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Car 'written off'


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Hello all. After an accident on xmas morning (of all mornings!) our insurance company has now told us that the car is 'Economiquement Irreparable' and have given us three options. Give it to the insurance company, keep the car, or get it repaired. As my french is not good enough to understand exactly what they are offering us (if anything) has anyone else had any experience of this?

They are saying that the damages will cost 4,290 euros to fix and that the car is only worth 3,800 euros (2003 Kangoo). The garage owner did not specify exactly what was wrong with the car while I was there, but all I could see wrong with it was a dented bonnet and a bent wheel. I appreciate there could be more wrong underneath, but I'm no mechanic either.

Can anyone explain what the three options would exactly mean?

Many thanks in advance.

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Slightly different wording to my experience, but not difficult to relay the options;

Give it to the insurance company, Insurance Co keep the wreck and pay you the value of the vehicle as they see it (sometimes the best option especially if you fancy a change anyway or don't trust the car/repair)

keep the car, Insurance Co give you the wreck, and deduct the value of the wreck from the value of the vehicle as they see it and give you a cheque for the balance, (an option, especially if a classic or rare model you have intended to keep for ever)

or get it repaired. Insurance Co arrange to fix the wreck, pay up to their stated value and the garage charge you for the balance of the repair, (an option, especially if you can afford the balance of the repair, and really don't want to get involved in finding a replacement car)

Don't forget to factor in the time factor for the repair or finding a replacement especially if you are paying for a hire care. Good Luck [8-|]

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In my experience (both UK and French claims) it's always possible (and advisable) to haggle with an insurance company! As a matter of course, they always start with their lowest offer. There's no harm in trying to persuade them that your car was worth more but make sure you've done some research on car valuations (in UK by way of a Glass's Guide valuation, but in France ??) and can state why you think it was worth more, ie: condition, accessories, initial cost and equivalent replacement cost, etc. May not work but, in my opinion, it's always worth a try.

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The offer I got for my write-off included the current French "Glass's Guide" equivalent (I can't remember what this is called but S/D probably knows) price for my car so I could compare the insurance company's offer.  It was very favourable and, together with a bonus I received because I had a premium policy, I got more for my car than I was offered in p/ex two years ago.

Check out on the internet what your make and model is fetching on the 2nd hand market - it's really the only reliable way to know if the insurance company is taking the p*ss or not, as John  says (although a little more politely than I).

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