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Free car insurance?


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Im faffing about online getting quotes for basic cover for a cheap van.

www.assuravenue.fr are coming up the cheapest, and after playing around with the various combinations of cover and franchise, it would seem that I can get free insurance third party only, by setting the franchise to €200, since this is more than the yearly premium.


too good to be true?

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Quelle Surprise, they wont honour the zero quote. Cheapest they will do is about €170 for the year.

When I talked about the franchise (excess) being more than the premium, I assumed (hoped) they were doing some kind of deal that i get free third party cover untill (if) i ever have an accident, then I pay the higher excess claim.

Unsurprisingly, this isnt the case.

"cetait une erreur monseur"

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If you are still looking for insurance Dave I recommend that you give Ineas a try if you havnt already, they are a Dutch, web based company with a bureau in Strasbourg I think.

I found them very easy to deal with and with well set up systems to do everything where possible on line but without hassle, the quote process resembled a UK insurer more than a French one in that it actually gave out a figure [;-)]

I recently found that I have been dyslexic with my immatriculation number, the guy at the ferry booth alerted me and then I realised that I had insured using the wrong number. I e-mailed them yesterday and got an automated acknowledgement straight away, today I got an e-mail from a real person acccepting my apology and confirming that they have sent out new policy documents and vignette.

I have not told them that I am English although my name may have given it away, I once asked them another question by e-mail, in French of course but perhaps phrased in an etranger fashion and they replied to me in faultless English.

Oh and they were much much cheaper for tiers cover than any French company.


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I have noticed that have actually apologised to me for the error dispite it being caused by my dislexia:


Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser pour cette erreur et vous adressons une nouvelle carte verte ce jour par courrier.

Vous en souhaitant bonne réception,

Veuillez agréer l'expression de mes salutations les meilleures.

Christine Granier
Service clientèle

L'assureur en ligne.


I am an eternal optimist and I always believed that if I waited long enough, in the end I would see or hear someone make an apology in France, shame it had to be a Dutch company and not AXA [;-)]

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