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So important ladies can drive .


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AnOther, you can stop wondering as I'm am all male.

You say, "A rather sweeping assumption, I'd leave it at different, not necessarily implying better or worse."  By reason of that statement are you hinting that you consider yourself perhaps, to be a better driver ?

I am not talking about budding Paris - Dakar entrants. The women I have instructed have included personnel from the armed forces, consular officials, law enforcement, and NGO's to name but a few. Periods spent off-road were not designed as "lets go play at ploughing across a field with all wheels spinning" episodes.

"Women probably listened better because for the most part it would be totally new experience for them about which, beyond knowing how to drive on the road, they may not have much of a clue so would need to be taught pretty well from scratch." Another sweeping statement! Are you then implying that men have more of "a clue", and don't need to be "taught pretty well from scratch" ? If this is the case, believe me you are very much mistaken. There are a couple of things blokes dislike, one of them is being criticised on their driving, second is being criticised for their lack of understanding of the vehicle to terrain. Just to add, all drivers irrespective of gender, experience or organisation were all treated the same throughout the training periods. There wasn't specific teaching methods for males, nor were there specific teaching methods for females. All started at a basic level. 

"....... how many other women do you know who would have the nerve, or desire come to that, to even venture past a farmers gate in a 4x4 ?" Well there are a few on here who have already answered that question, and there are quite a few more out there whose profession demands a little more than venturing beyond the farm gate, in fact their lives may depend on it.


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[quote user="krusty"]

[quote user="NormanH"]Live in a town, or better still stay where you can speak the language, and have paid into the system all your lives (often cited on this Forum)

"often cited on this Forum" ...........by Norman.


Can't help a giggle at that, Krusty!

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Nor can I, Sweets. 

Pity really, because Norman talks a lot of sense but sadly in such a rude way that it's hard sometimes to listen to the content because of the form some of his posts take. I'm all in favour of having strong views, but.... Season of goodwill and all that, Norman, maybe you'll get some manners for Christmas then people might take note of some of the wisdom you write.

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I can only ever remember two serious rows beween my parents :

1. My father refusing to draw the gear lever pattern for a Riley Kestral on the windscreen when my mother was also learning driving an Austin12.

2. My mother somehow copeing with one of her assistants announcing she needed a week off because her husband had been granted passionate leave from the army following the death of his mother but refusing to say exactly her assistant had asked for.

P.S. My parents having a row make Krushchov at the UN look like a table tennis game

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