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idiots on the road.


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Was in Nimes y'day, a lady had broken down on the right hand lane (of a 3 lane road) blocking the traffic behind her, I was stuck in the middle lane side by side with her while the lights were red. She got out of the car, cigarette in mouth, waved to the cars behind to say 1min, and then got out a 5lt petrol can, which she opened and poured in her car while she continued to smoke, I was so scared the whole thing was going to blow, I moved my car to the left hand side....what is wrong with people!?!?!?!
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People don't understand about petrol - that it is the vapour that burns. I used to be a fireman. It is not uncommon for people trying to destroy the scene of a crime to incinerate themselves. They splash the petrol about and imagine that the match they light will ignite the liquid. It doesn't, of course, it ignites the vapour with which they have filled the air, and themselves along with it, the vapour now having soaked into their clothes. TV and films are responsible for this, in that they show said villain splashing 'petrol' around and carefully lighting it with a match. I have yet to see a fire scene on TV or film which was anything like reality.

The lady in question probably thought that as long as her fag didn't touch the liquid she was ok. Being out in the open would help disperse the vapour.


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Hey patrick

thanks for your reply, I remember when i was 10, I had a load of rubbish to burn outside, so I pulled out my father's petrol can from the garage, spilt petrol on the boxes, and remembering what he said, I walked back about 10 paces, and lit the match, I threw the match, the rubbish went up like a bomb, but what scared me the most was the line of fire which came towards me....I had spilt some on the floor + vapour, I nearly got a backlash from the fire.

That woman could have set her on fire, plus the petrol tank, plus a line of cars by the side of her could have had it too.....what in earth was she thinking, I was cringing in my seat watching a train wreck in slow motion!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Could have been worse... you might have rolled the window down and told her how dangerous she being with a it fag in one hand and a petrol can in the other..

She might have dropped the fag on the ground to stamp it out in all those fumes!



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  • 2 weeks later...
The ones that I love are the idiots that drive a Molotov cocktail around! You have seen the nice bit of rag being used as a stopper I'm sure!

Just the brush of a cigarette by someone walking past and exit stage left anyone in the area me-thinks?

The World is full of idiots and the only thing that you can do at times is hope.

The volatile nature of petrol, especially unleaded stuff was one of my reasons for wanting a diesel tank in my car!

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