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Xenon headlights and adjusting to RHD - BMW X5


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I know this topic has cropped up before, but the answer to my problem has not been fully covered by this Forum. Perhaps someone has encountered the same problem or is a BMW technical expert and can help.

I have recently bought a new X5 - E70, post 2007 model with 58 plate. [:D]

As I travel frequently to France, I need to be able to adjust the headlamps myself, but the handbook does not tie up with what I have got. It says that once you remove the cover, you can move the "lever" up or down for LHD or RHD respectively. However there is no such lever.[8-)]

I took the car to my nearest BMW main dealer, and he took a look and confirmed "no lever". He was at a loss to suggest what else to do, other than to drive the car as it is - "that is what he does and blow everyone else". [:@]

Well not good enough. I will take it to my next nearest BMW dealer, and hope they can be more help. They will also get to service the car in future

Meanwhile if anyone can supply the answer, I will be much obliged..... I next go to France this coming weekend, so this is getting pretty urgent. [:'(]

I also understand that you cannot use black masking on the headlamp glass, if you have Xenon lights.

For information, the car comes with the following optional extras - Adaptive Headlights (for "seeing round corners") and High Beam Assistant (switching high beam on or off depending on on-coming traffic). This may be relevant to how you adjust from RHD to LHD.

Many thanks, from greymatter.


PS: The BMW website is not much help either - doesn't have a Technical Desk or want to answer any new problems on the Owners Site.  For any problem not covered, it just says - see your Dealer!!! [6]



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I have done loads of research into HID xenon lights and some retro fits to some vehicles.

The HIDs as standard will be fitted into projector headlights, these look like magnifying glasses. The low beam cut off is a shield inside the projector and cannot be blanked effectively from the front of the car. The only way to make the cut off dip the other way is to rotate the projector the other way so that the shield throws the beam to the right.  I would suspect that this is what the lever might do on your X5 if there was one.

On some BMWs (my bike included) you can see three screws around where the HID "bulb" fits and if you loosen these you may find that the whole projector rotates to make the beam dip the other way.

I would think twice about driving without trying to do something as HID xenon is about 3 times as bright as normal halogen and would be a serious safety hazard to other drivers. It is also a very white light to add to the problem. Under EU rules cars with HID xenon must have auto height adjustment because of this.

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Don't you just hate cars with these headlights. On a slightly bumpy road as they come towards you they look as though they are flashing. They should be banned. Flash car flash lights flash....
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[quote user="Dog"]Don't you just hate cars with these headlights. On a slightly bumpy road as they come towards you they look as though they are flashing. They should be banned. Flash car flash lights flash....[/quote]

Perhaps you would prefer that all headlights are banned and a man with a red flag walks in front of the car.

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I have just encountered the same problem with a new Ford S Max. I think that the adaptive headlights are different. I had to get a separate set of headlights for registration purposes but I think BMW prices may be prohibitive!

I am sure you must be able to blank off the necessary parts of the headlight glass, Xenon or not.



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Thanks for all your responses, some more helpful than others!

To update you on the situation, I am all sorted now.I went to another BMW Main dealer and they were much more sympathetic and professional. They have adjusted the headlights for me, for drining on the RH side of the road.

But it is a bit of a pig to do on the X5: the headlight assembly is very inaccessible and you cannot see much of anything, particularly when your hands are in the way. You have to do everything by feel.

For future readers information, there is a "switch" deep inside the headlight, on the engine side of each light. It is a silver switch, rather than the black "slider" shown in the handbook. It switches over with an audible click.

And to correct any possible mis-information: the adjustment does not swivel the headlamp or re-direct the light. It just moves a "foil" which flattens the beam. 

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  • 1 year later...

[quote user="Dog"]Don't you just hate cars with these headlights. On a slightly bumpy road as they come towards you they look as though they are flashing. They should be banned. Flash car flash lights flash....[/quote]

I agree. The self leveling function seems to cease to work or come adrift after a while, allowing the light bounce up and down with the bumps, and too many drivers are oblivious to their headlights being faulty or too high.

Xenon lights make this even more distressing and dangerous, and they are simply unneccessary at legal speeds.

Some b***tards even use them as weapons when they are impatient.

I think there just may be something in between Xenon lights and a man with a red flag [:)]


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Years ago, having taken a deal from a UK uni to get my brains back, and whilst waiting for the French house to be available, I did some tour guiding round London in big Renault mini buses and I learnt one thing - that drivers of Flash Harry cars are frightened kakaless of them and will always get out of the way, in case someone bumps their very expensive paint jobs I guess. So, to my mate Charlie who only works on the darkest nights and drives the rustiest Tranny I have ever seen, drive straight at them son, drive straight at them.[6]

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