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Insurance certificate renewal


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IIRC, you - and any other named drivers, sign the other bit of the green form (the piece that's not on the screen - ie the bit that remains when you've taken the vignette off) if you travel outside France.

EDIT : I have just dug mine out and indeed that is what you should do (well at least it's true on my insurance document.)  There is a space for your signature on the paper.  Mine reads:

" Signiature du souscripteur du contrat d'assurance.  Pour les personnes se rendant au Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord ainsi qu'a Chypre seulement;

Signiature de toutes les autres personnes qui peuvent utiliser le vehicle."

SD will no doubt confirm.[:)]

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I've just looked at my current "certificate" and it asks for the signature of the subscriber and the drivers of the vehicle. As stated by Lou the new one does not. I'm going to e-mail my insurers to confirm no signatures are now required and get back to the Forum with their response.
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The information I was given is that if the green certificate has a box for signature then the policyholder must sign it. The requirement for other drivers to sign is, apparently, only applicable if going to Royaume-Uni. The signature box is being discontinued but if it is present it needs to be completed.

Of course, like all such information that doesn't come from an official written source it should be checked and double-checked if it is likely to be important.

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I agree,  our insurance certificates (the big green bits, from where you tear off the green squares) from AXA France used to require signatures but no longer.

In any case, if one is in any doubt about car insurance documents one should ask the insurer/insurance agent, not the forum. And write down their reply, who gave it to you, and when.

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My old insurer Ineas went pop and I am now with Assuravenue, I did notice that the new green form from which you detach the vignette no longer has a box for the signature of drivers for the UK, it always did seem a bit daft as I am only tiers risques and anyone driving the car has that level of insurance, signature or not.

I wonder if this is going to result in more drivers being locked up pending enquiries following UK police roadside checks?

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