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Speeding Ticket for UK licence holder


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I have just received a ticket in respect of a UK resident & licence holder who was clocked 4kph above the limit whilst driving my car and en route to pick me up from the airport. Licence, insurance etc are in order. Obviously I can prove that I was not the driver, & on the form there is the section to name the driver, which of course will have UK details. Has anybody any knowledge or experience of this type of thing & what may happen next?
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I got done for speeding on Corsica a few years ago.  The hire company gave the police my name and address, I got a fine from the police and a charge from the hire company for them telling the police my details.  I paid the fine (didn't have a choice, they had my card details on record) and that was it, no points.

4kph seems a bit harsh though that's less that 2.5mph over the limit, that could be caused by a slight change in gradient

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And that figure would already have a 10% tolerance deducted (or whatever the figure is these days) so you could actually have been doing around 103 in say a 90 zone so not really that harsh.

There's a space on the form to say if points are deducted (usually not for a small infringement) and a fine of €45 I think

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I cannot imagine that it will be any different from any other driver but it's never happened to me so I don't know for sure.  Just fill in the form as per usual and wait and see.  If they were properly insured to drive your car and have a license then, UK one or not, they should just pay up.  You don't want to do this by proxy (ie pay it on their behalf) or you'll end up getting points deducted here in France with all that that entails.
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I have done it the other way around in the UK, I very much doubt that they managed to trace the ficticious "Gilles Martin" at the Paris youth hotel address that I gave them but they certainly never bothered me again.

I year ago I recieved an invitation to enrich the coffers of the Belgian Parket Van De Procureur De Konings, now they didnt even ask if I was the driver or to identify the driver so it was duly filed and forgotten in my ever growing contentieux file, I havnt heard any more from them either.

Do as has been suggested and identify the driver, I doubt that it will go any further as they are not French resident, if it does then they can decide what to do, its no longer your problem.

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