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New rules re: immatriculation for UK car


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I'm trying to help a fellow ex-pat to get his recently purchased UK car into the French system. He has been informed that he only has 1 month to do this (he has lived here for 6 years) and he has to get a French translation for his V5 (which is impossible in the time allowed). As the French are notorious at putting new rules into being, are these requirements true or are we being given false information. He has bought a Rover 75 so no doubt the C of C will be a nightmare to get. Any ideas anyone, please?


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Has the 1 month time limit been imposed by the Insurance company?

I'm in the middle of this with my car I bought 3 weeks ago from the UK.

If the rover is over a certain age then DREAL might consider to give you a CofC - they refused me as they said I could still get a CofC from the manufacturer

I explained to my insurance people that it would take a minimum of 4 weeks to get the CofC and they extended the insurance cover for a couple more weeks.

This was the order of things for me:

  1. Contacted Insurance people before I bought the car with the car number plate number - they insured me for a month
  2. Drove it home
  3. Quittus Fiscal from the Hotel Impot (it only takes 10 minutes to fill in the form and it's free)
  4. CT - cost (i think 65€) - they were fine with the V5 for the details but I know other posters haven't been successful with a V5 (i've got 2 months to get some dodgy tyres changed and the headlights adjusted)
  5. Went to DREAL to get a CofC - got told to get lost and contact manufacturer in France (No Thanks !! costs far more than the UK manufacturer and now it's holiday time, who knows when it would turn up!)
  6. contacted UK manufacturer for a CofC - filled in their forms and sent them of with a Cheque for 100quid
  7. went back to the insurance people who have extended the period before I can get the Carte Gris sorted

and there you are... i'm waiting for the CofC to turn up

However, that's me where I live...this is France so where you live could be completely different


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Not so much 'new', as bringing this into line with the usual rules when having bought a car.

Still good luck with it all, especially during the grandes vacances.


ps Honeysuckledreams this is on the service public web site, so not the insurance companies, the government.

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Ah, thanks Idun.

I'm lucky I guess that the insurance company are being flexible anyway (but I wonder if plod would be equally flexible if Mrs HSD gets stopped in the meantime....)

I suppose getting the CofC sorted at the time of buying the car is what will be required in future as it's almost impossible to complete everything within a month here in France.

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