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New style Driving Licence

John Brown

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I read somewhere, a while ago, that the old style French Driving Licence is being replaced this year with the same size laminated plastic style licence as in the UK

I'm about to change my UK Licence, because it runs out in November, and I'd prefer the smaller plastic version.

I know technically it doesn't run out but it has a valid till date so I would have to apply for a replacement and not having a UK address etc.....

Anyone know if its available yet ?

Thanks JB

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The new French photocard licence will last for 15 years. It will carry a chip enabling an instant review of your driving history along with your fingerprints which effectively means the government eventually accumulating a fingerprint database of the majority of the population protest free.

Will I be exchanging for a paper French licence before 2013, you betcha !

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[quote user="AnOther"]along with your fingerprints which effectively means the government eventually accumulating a fingerprint database of the majority of the population protest free.



Must be well over 25 years ago when I was in my Mairie and someone in front of me was giving their fingerprints. My turn, and I asked what they had 'done'. The clerk seemed surprised, just a carte d'identite. So the giving of finger prints is normal in France. I have never understood how there is any crime as they have just about everyone's fingerprints. So why would anyone protest....... compliancy reigns!

Truthfully, I would have left if I had been asked for them for any simple offical document.

Now the fingerprints are all singing and dancing digital ones, central register, how nice.


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[quote user="John Brown"]Thanks for the information regarding the photocard licence

I'll be changing mine before November then

11247.pdf being filled out now !

I'll put up with the fact its paper and bigger

Thanks to you both


JB, thanks for the link to the paperwork.  Mine needs changing also.

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[quote user="AnOther"]

...   Will I be exchanging for a paper French licence before 2013, you betcha !


Me too! My paper/card French licence is already very tatty at the corners! Just the wrong size, especially when you have to carry it around all the time, and worse for a motard, the pockets on my jacket aren't big enough!

A query about licences... I no longer wear glasses for driving; do I have to tell the licencing authorities and get the "dispositif correction vision" removed from the back page?

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[quote user="sid"]A query about licences... I no longer wear glasses for driving; do I have to tell the licencing authorities and get the "dispositif correction vision" removed from the back page?[/quote]Yes, if you don't want to risk getting fined for not wearing them - and for not having a spare pair in the car that is !

As it happens a friend of mine is going through exactly the same process right now as his eyes have improved considerably since having surgical treatment and has an appointment with the prefecture appointed doctor later this week.

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  • 2 months later...
Just down-loaded the forms to change mine, I have quite a trek to our sub-prefecture so want to make sure I've got all the bumpf right first time. Can anyone tell me who fills in the bit at the bottom that says reserve a la commission medicale? Do I have to take it to my doctor first????
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  • 1 month later...
Just a quick update, didn't need to fill out that bit! Took along the form, photocopy of licence, utilities bill, 2 photos and my passport.

Filled out a cheque for 25 euros, only one sticky bit, it asks for your maiden name on the form and I didn't realise it is no longer noted on your passport, so she wanted proof of that but was quite happy to hang onto the paperwork until I posted her a photocopy of my marriage licence. Also had to provide one of those trackable pre-paid envelopes (max 20g) to return it to me. Took 3 weeks, job done!
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Can only call it as I see it Sweets, I'm not clairvoyant !

FWIW and if it makes you feel better I went to the prefecture on Friday to exchange mine. Was in and out literally in 5 minutes BTW, no translations or other spurious malarkey in Cahors - and it's FREE too [;-)]

If past performance is anything to go by though they will miss the 2033 target by a country mile [:P]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Erns, I LISTENED to you and pulled out all the stops to get my new old-style one!

Nevermind, I've got it now till 2033........hm, wonder if I'd still be alive by then and still able to drive myself in the beeper?


Pity about not getting a permis de conduire "rose"[:P]; the rosey one allows me to drive until I fall off my perch!

Puzzled a bit by the validity until 2033, I thought the new style ones only lasted for 15 years.

Still consider, neeunmoine that you have been mistreated as the reglementation only enters into validity during january 2013; please peruse link at your leisure.

Still time to pop in to the local Prefecture and draw attention to THEIR ERROR  and politely request a permis de conduire "rose".



The preamble implies that documents delivered before 19th January 2013 will NOT include the 15 year proviso.

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No worry, Erns, I was only joking with you.

I do (nearly) always listen to you as you have helped me many times in the past and given me very good advice (including financial ones and, no, I don't blame you for the financial crisis one bit!)

Yup license arrived all safe and problem free if a little soggy from a wet letterbox as recounted on another thread.  Was an early Christmas present and very thrilled I was too!

No translation of anything, no payment..... so unexpected![:D]

Roll on 2033, I am ready......LOL!

Hey, Loops, you need to read the Forum posts more often?[:P]


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