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Insurance after a long break


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I haven't owned a car for over 5 years, but was considering getting a 'run about' for over the Easter and Summer.

However in trying to get estimates online for Insurance I keep bumping up against the question of bonus.

I believe to benefit from this there is a period after which it is considered lapsed.

I am far from a new driver, and have driven hired cars in the period when I didn't own one, but despite never having made a claim I seem to be considered uninsurable by a couple of companies I am interested in, such as Amaguiz because I haven't got a 15% or plus bonus.  Online they say things like 'we don't cover new drivers'

I wanted a pay as you go style as I will have a very low mileage

Am I condemned to starting from scratch with a traditional type of Insurer?

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[quote user="NormanH"]Would it still be valid after over 5 years?


I don't know, but it's worth a try. I suppose the problem is that you could have an undisclosed bad record prior to that.

Edit: I meant after the date you tell them you stopped driving



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  • 2 months later...
NCB expires after 2 years in UK. Whether this is industry standard or not, or applies to France or not, I have no idea.

My old insurer was Budget, and after a 2 year lapse, when I tried to renew with another company, they wanted me to start from scratch. Going back to Budget, they finally offered a reduction in the premium equivalent to a few years NCB, but it was not a "real" NCB that would be recognised by other insurers in the future....basically just money off a new driver premium.

I suspect not technically legal, but the twisted remains of my old rally car are lying in a garage in Scotland and I have a second very basic policy covering it for a minimal sum, accruing NCB nicely, which might come in handy one day.

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I had hoped to have a policy such as offered by Amaguiz where you pay much less if you have very low mileage.

My original insurer doesn't offer this.  However apparently Amaguiz consider you as a new driver if you can't give them a NCB quotation and so refuse to accept you for that plan.

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This may not be helpful in France, but the UK insurance companies are often sympathetic (as much as insurance companies can be sympathetic !!)  towards drivers who have had a company car for a number of years. Although the driver hasn't earned any NCB in his own right, the companies sometimes offer a reduction based on the previously earned NCB provided that he can provide evidence.

On this basis I think it's worth contacting your old insurer and asking for a statement, and as pointed out by an earlier poster, why not start with them by asking for a quote?

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