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Télépeage Contracts


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Do Alis mean 15 transits of the full Alis route, or 15 sections of the Alis route?

There are six sections on the Alis route, so if it is 15 sections, does that means three trips over the full route in the first year?

Fifteen trips over the full route is an awful lot of travelling, and surely locals will not travel the full route?



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[quote user="marmite"]

Have heard that by the end of 2012 the option to pay SANEF France using a English card debit or credit will end, These customers will get an option of signing up to the UK offshoot if you want to continue paying in sterling. Of course the monthly fee is higher then the French site.


The validity of my English credit card runs out this month so I emailed SANEF with the new date of validity (new card just received) and they updated my account so I'm now OK for another four years (I hope).

Brian (again)

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Thanks elamessa, makes sense.

Unfortunately as most of our journeys are down the west side of France from Niort to Perpignan, and we only go once or twice a year to UK via Alencon/Rouen, we will not be taking up the Alis offer.

We will stay with Vinci Autoroutes.

A pity as Alis seem to value their clients, and even have an English option on their website.


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[quote user="brianagain"][quote user="marmite"]

Have heard that by the end of 2012 the option to pay SANEF France using a English card debit or credit will end, These customers will get an option of signing up to the UK offshoot if you want to continue paying in sterling. Of course the monthly fee is higher then the French site.


The validity of my English credit card runs out this month so I emailed SANEF with the new date of validity (new card just received) and they updated my account so I'm now OK for another four years (I hope).

Brian (again)


I know Brian they don't seem to know what they are doing. A couple of years ago we stopped at the SANEF shop near Amiems to exchange our old big doofer for a new smaller one ( battery getting to end of its life) The lady there said we could only get the new doofer if we paid via a French bank account, she also gave us a leaflet explaining the new rules about paying. After we showed her a copy of an e-mail from SANEF confirming our new UK credit card  number validity date she shut up and issued the new new doofer.

We still have the SANEF doofer but haven't used it for a year or so. We got a new one from APRR as we were expecting SANEF to start cancelling the UK paid accounts and leaving us at a peage. 

APRR  allowed us to pay with a UK card.  We are happy with this system and will continue with it while available

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  • 1 month later...
Our big old SANEF doofer battery ran out last time we were in France. I now have a nifty small device (much neater) from the British branch of SANEF. I was quite impressed with the service. The device arrived the day after ordering and, as an existing customer, we did not have to pay the 10€ setup fee.

We have sent back our old doofer to Senlis for a refund of our 19€ deposit.

The tolls are going to be taken from our British bank account and if there are problems, at least I will be able to make myself understood.

Have not used it yet but hopefully it will work ok.
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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I notice that 'Sanef' are taking over the toll operation at the Dartford crossing in the near future.

This is despite most folk thinking that the toll was being done away with.

The new tolls will be automatic, so you have to prepay or pay later the same day via phone or buy from certain retail outlets around the local area.

I personally think that will be a real inconvenience for non locals as it will put up the cost by means of the phone call.

I have contacted 'Sanef' to ask if my French transponder, which I got from the UK site, will work in the UK but have had no response so far.

The big laugh is that if you fail to pay you will be fined £70. If they can trace you that is!

I presume that foreign plated vehicles will not be charged.

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