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French car MOT / English car CT?


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I am looking at buying a Volkswagon CC in UK to bring back to France, having done this before I am fairly sure on the processes. However I have just noticed on viewing the photo slide show on the dealers web site that the CC does not have kph on the inner ring of the speedo, only mph. I am assured that on the central console there is also a digital readout that can be changed to kph, should I be concerned that I will not be able to CT it when the time comes, at the moment the car is under a year old.

On that vein I then wondered how a French reg. car with only kph on the speedo actually gets an MOT if imported to UK. Surely the speedo is an integral part of the CT and MOT?

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[quote user="CeeJay"] Surely the speedo is an integral part of the CT and MOT?

It is not.

To the best of my knowledge there are no tests or verifications of the speedometer in either the CT or MOT.

In terms of import procedures whether it be SVA or RTI then the speedometer must be be able to display in the units of that country, its been a long time since I did an SVA but I dont think that the accuracy was checked, many people just used stick on bicycle speedos.

Some manufacturers may only issue a partial COC citing that the speedo is not marked in KM/H which may cause you a problem, I doubt it if you have an LED readout, some cars only have that.

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My imported Mazda only has an MPH dial speedo - nothing was mentioned at any point for the CT.

The Citroen C2 with a digital display was also in MPH for its CT and it was only afterwards I found out how to change the settings to read kph.

If you have to go via DREAL, then it might be a problem. When I did the Landrover, I was pulled up because the odometer is just a row of digits with no indication of whether it counts in miles or kilometers.
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That just sounds like bloody mindedness, sadly not untypical, always an interesting reaction when challenged, often a kind of "I'll let it drop just this once but toe the line in future" said with a wagging finger, a geste and parole that is like a red rag to a bull to me.
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A french friends brother went to live in the UK and took his French car with him. He was pulled over in London by the police for a check and he was given a PV and told to get his car registered in the UK. She was appalled that he had to get the headlights and the speedo changed to get it registered.
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I had a German spec UK reg Mercedes motorhome for years in the UK and it only had Km/h on the speedo, but it was never an issue for the MOT. A previous owner had stuck the figures '30' '40' etc onto the dial at the appropriate places and I left them there but I assume that was done just for easy reference, rather than to pass the MOT.
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[quote user="Chancer"]That just sounds like bloody mindedness, sadly not untypical, always an interesting reaction when challenged, often a kind of "I'll let it drop just this once but toe the line in future" said with a wagging finger, a geste and parole that is like a red rag to a bull to me.[/quote]

Exactly that.

I was there so the chap could count the number of seats in the car (A commercial version with two instead of five - the only reason for non-conformity) He checked a few other things that were OK according to my certificate of partial conformity - whether the glass was E marked, he faffed around trying to find the engine number but gave up on that, then pointed out this "problem" with the odometer. It seemingly doesnt matter what units it counts in, but it MUST indicate which units were used. He suggested that a sticker on the display saying "miles" would be adequate. I asked if he wanted me to return for another visit so he could check the sticker, but he relented and said as long as I promised to add one, he would let it go. Obviously, I promised to add one as soon as I got home - I wouldnt lie to a French official now would I? [:P]

Anyway, its been through a few CT's since then and it is never checked.

For the OP - if you get a certificate of conformity you will not need to deal with the DREAL, so no worries on your part.

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The EU rules are here:


The relevant items are 5.1.1

5.1.1. In the case of speedometers intended for vehicles of categories M, N, and L3, L4 and L5, the

graduation shall be 1, 2, 5 or 10 km/h. The numerical values of the speed shall be indicated on

the display as follows: when the highest value on the display does not exceed 200 km/h, speed

values shall be indicated at intervals not exceeding 20 km/h. When the maximum value on the

display exceeds 200 km/h, then the speed values shall be indicated at intervals not exceeding

30 km/h. The indicated numerical speed value intervals need not be uniform.

and 5.1.4

5.1.4. In the case of vehicles of categories M, N, and L3, L4 and L5 manufactured for sale in any country

where imperial units are used, the speedometer shall also be marked in mph (miles per hour); the

graduation shall be of 1, 2, 5 or 10 mph. The numerical values of the speed shall be indicated on

the display at intervals not exceeding 20 mph and commencing at 10 or 20 mph. The indicated

numerical speed value intervals need not be uniform.

Thus, to comply a UK compliant vehicle is required to have kph and mph and not just mph.
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Very interesting, so do you think that Volkswagon could be taken to the European court?

Highly unlikely that they would not conform to European standards surely, unless the digital display which can be in kph is deemed to satisfy the legislation.....I hope so!

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[quote user="dave21478"] then pointed out this "problem" with the odometer. It seemingly doesnt matter what units it counts in, but it MUST indicate which units were used. He suggested that a sticker on the display saying "miles" would be adequate.

And yet I cannot think of a single car that I have owned which indicates what the odometer units are, OK I am a decade or more behind most of you, the mechanical ones certainly didnt and my digital one doesnt, all the CT testers just assume that its in KMs, they compliment me on how many KMs the car has done and remaining in good condition (300K miles) then I tell them they must multiply that by 1.6 [:-))]

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CeeJay wrote:


Very interesting, so do you think that Volkswagon could be taken to the European court?

Highly unlikely that they would not conform to European standards surely, unless the digital display which can be in kph is deemed to satisfy the legislation.....I hope so!

Well, they seem not to have complied with EU Directives - to my mond it is very clear, a vehicle to UK spec requires both MPH and KPH FULL STOP

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[quote user="PaulT"]From 20 March 2013 the UK MOT will include:


The car will fail if a speedometer is not fitted, is incomplete, inoperative, has a dial glass broken/missing or cannot be illuminated.[/quote]Which part of that says that it must be in MPH ?

When I post quoted information Paul I consider it helpful to post the source, I've taken the liberty of doing that.


Also from MOT Testing the in house publication for the industry.

MOT Test of Speedometer

For vehicles first used on or after 01 October 1937

The glass being cracked is not a reason for failure providing there is no possibility of misreading the speedometer, no possibility of the indicator needle being fouled or the cracked glass being a safety hazard.

Will be checked for:



    Can be illuminated

Again no mention of the speedo being in MPH

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I remember the "can be illuminated" coming up in an SVA inspection, another pushbike speedo stuck to the dashboard with double sided tape, it was not backlit so I had a torch to hand!!!

Where there is a will there is a way, sadly the only will or bon volonté that I have found in France is the will to faire chiér or emmerder.

Tell me that I am wrong [:P]

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So this is the official manual from the official source.

6.7 relates to the speedometer and specifies that it must be operative. There is no mention of odometer nor what the markings must be. However, my earlier referenced site specifies what the markings must be to comply with EU directives.
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I thought it was the CT that the OP was concerned about, and on a very quick read through I can't see a single mention of the speedo in the 124 points that are checked - can someone else spot it, did I miss something?

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Just had a look at the last CT papers and on the back there is a "Liste des Points de Controle" and at No.7 Equipements and 7.2.6 Indicateur de vitesse, so presumably there is a check but obviously they cannot determine if it is mph or kph. or else they arre not bothered!

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Just returned after picking up car in UK, glad to see that both mph and kph are shown, albeit in different places, so that's no problem, and also it is possible to change the settings on the multi function display to "touring" which then alters the headlamps to conform to right hand drive. I am a happy bunny!!

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