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Thought I would post this here to show that the UK can be difficult registering a vehicle.

A couple I know have just returned to the UK and have now brought over their German registered motorhome.

They researched registering previously and now their fun has started. They filled in the documentation and submitted it. Returned to them as a piece of information missing. However, they had been told that it was not required (unfortunately, they did not get the name of the person who told them this). A call to the relevant department and 'oh yes you do need it'. The reply that someone in the department had told them they did not broke no ice. So as per France different officials operating differently. They are a little downhearted as someone else who has done it has told them that it is not an easy process with all sorts of hoops to jump through.
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I know that it would have been complicated to register our french car in the UK, so we simply sold it in France.

Me, I get enough of paperwork hassle and somethings are just some paperasse too far[Www]

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It has obviously become much more difficult to do this now. Twenty years ago registering our Swedish car in the UK was very straight forward. Just a case of getting it MOTed and turning up at the relevant office with the Swedish registration papers and a cheque.

Why do they need to complicate things.
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I agree, many years ago I used to source all my cars from Belgium (OK in the main they were rubbish but very, very cheap and all I could afford)

If I remember, you needed 3 things to register in the UK

A MOT cert

Insurance cert

Proof that it had been 'owned and used abroad' which could be your ferry ticket as just driving it to the port from a garage counted as 'owned and used abroad'.

They would give you a reg number 'Q' plate and get the reg docs a week or 2 later - simples

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In the seventies the AA would issue you with a set of "Q" plates on arrival by ferry, even for a vehicle without plates, just for the asking.

Well, there was a small fee...

Just shows how the EU has made life so much simpler for all of us[:(]

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I don't know whether to take this with a pinch of salt or not, but on tv the other day they said that most of the requests to make all of the EU play from the same hymn sheet came from France and a lot of these 'everyone must conform' things are passed.

Wouldn't surprise me if it were true.

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