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Thought I was doing well, with my very limited French ordered some new tyres over the Internet - with Google translating the webpages. The tyres I chose were in fact cheaper than in the UK.

This morning a call to say that they were not available. Very difficult conversation due to the language problem. Asked for an email address and translated a message using Google and sent it. It bounced back undeliverable.

Discovered that the call had come from the franchise fitting centre - did they have some tyres that they offered on the shelf they wanted to get rid of? and naturally they were more expensive!

Called the company I was buying them from to ask for an email address (sending a message via the website did not seem to work) to try to circumvent the language problem and someone there spoke English.

Explained what was happening, she contacted the centre and no they only had the more expensive tyres - strange that the company shows a whole host of tyres that they either send to your home address or the fitting centre.

Cancelled the order and will try elsewhere. It was a 'pay up front' affair and they have sent me an email confirming cancellation stating that if the money has transferred from my bank account they will repay it in 2 business days! In the UK that would be within 30 days. We will see what happens.
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So in essence you didn't order any new tyres, you were simply referred to a local tyre agent who doesn't stock cheap tyres with the aim of selling you more expensive versions. Forgive me but that just sounds like salemanship only via the internet.

Would it really take 30 days in the UK? I have never had a 30 day wait for refunds, 3 working days is the norm.

Was it tyrefactors.com?

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I read it as the tyres were ordered on line from the first supplier and the OP is awaiting a refund having refused the chantage.

If I  am correct it goes way beyond salesmanship and chantage is the right word, they have affirmed the contract by accepting payment and are using the fact that the buyer has already spent perhaps what are limited funds and wont be able to finance the cancellation and purchase elsewhere, sadly it doesnt surprise me.

I would hot foot it to the DGRCCF although there probably will be no-one there till the rentrée which is probably when the company might think about refunding them in two days [:(]

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A little clarification plus some other discoveries......

The company has a chain of owned fitting centres (they also do all sorts of servicing etc to cars) and also some franchised fitting centres.

The website shows 29 different tyres in the size I want.

When the fitting centre that I chose, a franchised one, phoned I thought they were trying it on. But no, the tyre I wanted was not available as stated by the company that I placed the order with.

Had to go somewhere today and there was a large owned branch of this company. In I went and enquired about tyres in my size. Amazingly, only five of the 29 that the website shows as being available and deliverable in a few days were actually available - or in other words order one (or in my case 4) of the 24 not available and you will get a call informing you that they are not available and offering something more expensive.

Interestingly, of the five available 4 were premium range tyres and the other the base budget tyre - I was not offered the budget tyre and a refund, I wonder why.

As for refunds in the UK some companies are terrible.
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We had to replace some tyres earlier this year and found that there was a lot of competition with different brands offering short-lived deals.

Sometimes it was the type we wanted , sometimes not. And often free fitting was part of the deal.

If you order them in France, Paul, try Rivière Pneus in Mirande, not too far from you.  A small family firm with pleasant staff. They will fit the tyres while you wait (or go shopping in Intermarché.)

ps just googled it and there's a bigger branch in Auch.

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Try allopneus.com

You buy the tyres from them and pay them, they deliver the tyres either to you or to a local fitting centre of your choice. Huge choice and delivery is with about 2 days. Used them many times and always reliable.

Sometimes they offer free or discounted fitting deals but at the moment they're not.
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Look at


Its a comparison site that price checks all the online suppliers. Once you have found a satisfactory offer, you are redirected to the suppliers site ...allopneus or whoever is the cheapest...where you buy the tyres direct and get them delivered to your home or a nearby garage.

If you are not in a massive rush, pick out a couple of brands and check that site every few days as prices can fluctuate with various promos.

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Thanks all.

Have gone directly to allopneus because of the recommendations.

Had a confirmation email including the shipping agent to all looking good.

Dave thanks for the quelpneu website - interesting outcome.

I decided on Kumho HS51 tyres which I ordered from the first company with nasty results - especially as they had no stock yet still took the money out of my account!

The results were:

allopneus 81.90

norauto 81.95

discountpneus 94.80

123pneus 112.00

Now, I know that norauto have no stock - yet will show on their website that they will take 48 hours for delivery.

Slight differences in price between them.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks all, now have the tyres fitted. Certainly pleased with Allopneus. Had the fitting done by one of their listed garages in Le Fousseret in 31. Very pleased with the fitter, took great care to balance them extremely well, and all at a cost less than buying in the UK.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Well, from ordering them a week yesterday I had a call at about 7 this evening on my mobile to tell me that they can fit them tomorrow! Either just before or after lunch time!! I decided to go for the fit at home service as it had such a good feedback, but if the feedback I give it tomorrow it won't be quite so good!

If I had ordered them to be fitted at a garage then I would have chosen the time and date, but this is a total waste of bleedin time as far as I am concerned! I have no idea if it's controlled by a central lace and the fitter just does, but it's the very first and last time I use this nonsense! And I would definately NOT recomend it to anyone!!!!!

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