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Still trying to change English to French driving licence


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This is quite interesting. From what I understand the UK will be doing away with the paper part of the driving license. So what will those (like us) that have the photos on the photo card expired and live permanently in France do?

How can we keep our UK license?
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[quote user="WJT"]This is quite interesting. From what I understand the UK will be doing away with the paper part of the driving license. So what will those (like us) that have the photos on the photo card expired and live permanently in France do? How can we keep our UK license?[/quote]

Something Mrs 'Q' has been involved with at a perphery level. It is actually an EU move to rid us of the paper bit of the licence. They believe that by now the majority of people wil have the credit card style licence with the suplimentry piece of paper. The next move will be to make the licences biometric with an implanted chip like the Carte Vital and credit/debit cards. The licence with become primarily an EU licence followed by the issuing member state, bit like your passport. All the issuing states will be linked together and the driving licence details of an individul available to all police forces within the EU. Harmonising of the points system and driving offences will take place so we wil either all start our driving 'life' with 12 points or non. This will take about ten years but we all know how fast some countries work so 15 years is probably more realistic.

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[quote user="WJT"]So what will those (like us) that have the photos on the photo card expired and live permanently in France do?

How can we keep our UK license?[/quote]I'm not sure I understand the question ?

The paper counterpart is not a licence and in itself is worthless unless accompanied by a valid in date photocard.

If the photocard expires then you do not have a valid licence and therefore cannot drive, that's all there is to it.

Are you saying that is what you are doing ?

Q: I'd estimate closer to 50 than 15 !

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Something Mrs 'Q' has been involved with at a perphery level. It is actually an EU move to rid us of the paper bit of the licence. They believe that by now the majority of people wil have the credit card style licence with the suplimentry piece of paper. The next move will be to make the licences biometric with an implanted chip like the Carte Vital and credit/debit cards. The licence with become primarily an EU licence followed by the issuing member state, bit like your passport. All the issuing states will be linked together and the driving licence details of an individul available to all police forces within the EU. Harmonising of the points system and driving offences will take place so we wil either all start our driving 'life' with 12 points or non. This will take about ten years but we all know how fast some countries work so 15 years is probably more realistic.


Problems with the spell checker? [:D]   7/10

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[quote user="WJT"]This is quite interesting. From what I understand the UK will be doing away with the paper part of the driving license. So what will those (like us) that have the photos on the photo card expired and live permanently in France do?

How can we keep our UK license?[/quote]

If you live permanently in France and your U.K. licence runs out then you get a French jobbie. Unless you have your primary residence in the U.K. and can put that address to the DVLA, or whatever they call themselves now, you can't legally get a U.K. licence. Some people use a family members U.K. address, but it is NOT legal to do so and if an problem occures and it is found to be illegal you will probably loose you insurance cover for driving without a licence? Insurance companies will find a ''get-out' every time they possibly can!

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Jonzjob"]I have opened a fred on it on the tech forum. I had only put it here as this is the only place I have the problem [:-))]


Apples have big problems with spell checkers I notice. It's thread not fred.


Ahh, yeh, but where I wus born in Landan issa fred init, so me smellin didn got nuffin rong wiv it see. Anyway I neven make mastikes [8-|]

We did got a pear of apples init. A MacBook ana iMac an they bofe spell the same already [geek]

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[quote user="AnOther"]If the photocard expires then you do not have a valid licence and therefore cannot drive, that's all there is to it.[/quote]

I thought that was the case... but I've just seen someone stating categorically on another (normally very reliable) forum* the exact opposite... ie, that << The photocard expires, but your entitlement to drive does not. >>

(not AngloMisinfo [;-)])

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You could get a fine of £1,000 if you don't renew your photocard driving licence as it's against the law

Source: [url]http://www.postoffice.co.uk/uk-driving-licence-photocard-renewal[/url]

You must renew a photocard licence every 10 years - you’ll receive a reminder before your current licence ends.

Source: [url]https://www.gov.uk/renew-driving-licence[/url]

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[quote user="Quillan"]Come again? In English please. [/quote]

Navigation of multi-page topics is normally by clicking on the next page which is visible at the bottom right of each page of the topic - eg,

                                                                         Page 1 of 5 (34 items) > 1 2 3 4 5

Navigation is by clicking on the page you want.

Problem: the formatting on the first page of this thread is messed up (apols for technical jargon [:P]) and the page navigation box isn't visible or accessible by scrolling. Therefore, if you're on page 1 you can only move forward by editing the url or going back to the topic in the active list and clicking on page 2 (or 3, 4, etc)

I'm guessing that if a mod edits and shortens the subject description in first two posts on page 1, the problem will be solved.

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[quote user="Catalpa"]The photocard expires, but your entitlement to drive does not.[/quote]Perfectly true but IN UK !

If it were otherwise then the hundreds of thousands of UK drivers who have not renewed their expired photocards would be queuing dozens deep outside every the magistrates court in the land being done for driving without a licence - and quite likely no insurance too !

In France, apart from the fact that the average flic wouldn't know what the counterpart was and probably couldn't read it anyway, it couldn't possibly pass as a driving licence for two very simple and basic reasons.

1. it doesn't state the groups you are entitled to drive.

2. it doesn't have any dates on it.

What he will see though is the date of expiry on the photocard and if expired then as far as he is concerned you will be guilty of driving without a valid licence and the prescribed penalties may follow, the maximum being a year in jail and a €15,000 fine.

God help you if you involved in an accident where somebody were injured or killed.

The DVLA tell you what to do if your photocard expires and that is to approach the licensing authorities in the country in which you reside.

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[quote user="Catalpa"][quote user="Quillan"]Come again? In English please. [/quote]
Navigation of multi-page topics is normally by clicking on the next page which is visible at the bottom right of each page of the topic - eg,

                                                                         Page 1 of 5 (34 items) > 1 2 3 4 5

Navigation is by clicking on the page you want.

Problem: the formatting on the first page of this thread is messed up (apols for technical jargon [:P]) and the page navigation box isn't visible or accessible by scrolling. Therefore, if you're on page 1 you can only move forward by editing the url or going back to the topic in the active list and clicking on page 2 (or 3, 4, etc)

I'm guessing that if a mod edits and shortens the subject description in first two posts on page 1, the problem will be solved.

I checked before I changed the 'subject' and it was OK for me. I have reduced the length of the subject line to match the others I did before. If it still does not work for you then it is possibly your browser.

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[quote user="AnOther"]

[quote user="Catalpa"]The photocard expires, but your entitlement to drive does not.[/quote]

Perfectly true but IN UK ![/quote]

Yes. [:D] This is key: first precisely define the circumstances when stating 'facts'.

In the instance elsewhere that I alluded to here, the poster is a UK resident but has a property in France. So in the UK, expired photocard is fine; in France - or other EU country - if stopped by the police of that country... [Www]

[quote user="Quillan"]I have reduced the length of the subject line to match the others I did before. [/quote]

And it worked. Well done. [;-)]

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[quote user="idun"]Well that is a bit of a poisoned gift innit, having to wear long dresses and no sex![6]


Id, the history of the Roman church is chockful of popes who have fathered children as though they were making up congretation numbers.

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