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New Laws as of July 1st


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Sorry for the poor translation, but it explains what is starting as of July 1st

This is the basics of the new laws applicable from

1 July 2015:

The Prohibition of smoking in the car with Minors (68 € fine)
Prohibition of eating at the wheel (75 € of fine)
Prohibition at the hands-Free Kit (135 € / 3 points)
Prohibition of search in the box has gloves en roulant
Listen to the music too strong (preventing to hear the movement) (75 € of fine)
Prohibition of the port of earphones, Atria or headphones while driving (135 € / 3 points)
Novice drivers the authorized limit will therefore move to 0,2 g / l of alcohol in the blood instead of 0,5 g / l in force today. 0,2 g / L (135 euros and
Se Maquiller even to the judgment in the file (75 € of fine)
Watch a screen not intended for assistance to conduct (150 € of fine / 3 points)

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So are deaf drivers allowed to drive, because they cannot hear?

In some ways, these things are pretty logical, cars can do lots of damage when the driver is not paying attention and so we should all be focused on driving whilst we are 'driving' and not on other things.

Still I'll miss having my Beethoven at full blast whilst I am driving and I actually don't think that it distracts me, but maybe I am wrong.[Www]

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Something i recently noticed and did not know is that if you wear prescription spectacles you should carry 2 pair. Another thing that amused me was the requirement to carry Proof of ownership/v5 . On the front of the v5 in large letters it states 'this document is not proof of ownership' ?
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[quote user="Patf"]I'll have to remember not to re-apply lipstick while rouling [;-)]


I thought that was why women have that nice likkle mirror in the top middle of the front window [8-)]

I agree that why introduce even more laws that the knick-knicks can ignore ?

I don't really need my specs and the only time I ever use them is if I want to be able to see something [Www]

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  • 2 weeks later...
What about motorbikes? I wear earplugs all the time to reduce wind noise. I have speakers in my helmet for the GPS/talking books. I gather that for these, only one is supposed to be used. Does that same logic apply to ear plugs?? :)

Never tried eating a sandwich at speed, so should be safe from that new law at least.
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Hilariously...or not, depending on how you view these things, I stopped at a red light this lunchtime on a slip road off the M25 and a bloke on a motorbike drew up alongside me. I looked across, more than anything to ascertain if he planned to pull away before me, which would have also involved him pulling across in front of me to take the right hand bend, only to see that he'd flipped up his visor and was using the brief stop at the traffic lights to light up a roll-up. The lights changed and off he roared, fag in mouth.
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It doesn't seem to be on the list, but today I saw a car with a completely unsecured mattress on the roof.

The driver and front passenger were both holding it in place with an arm out of the window.

The sort of sight I became used to in so-called third-world countries.

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[quote user="nomoss"]It doesn't seem to be on the list, but today I saw a car with a completely unsecured mattress on the roof.

The driver and front passenger were both holding it in place with an arm out of the window..


I'm going to transport a mattress, how wide was it? did it stay on the car? how fast was the car going?


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[quote user="SC"]

I'm going to transport a mattress, how wide was it? About a metre wider than the roof

did it stay on the car? It made it round the corner opposite us with only a slight lateral displacement due to centrifugal force, but they managed to slide it back again with only a slight swerve of the car. Well, they missed the kerb, anyway.

how fast was the car going?

About 40 clicks before the corner. Slightly slower after.


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I did a bit of digging because I didn't understand some of the finer points of the original post.

Hands free phone are OK as long as they 'talk' via the cars audion system or an alternative syste, For example my TomTom allows my mobil to connect via Bluetooth and thats OK but your not allowed to use either a Bluetooth headphone or a corded headphone. This is also linked in with listening to music when driving and using headphones.

Other than clearing up that issue the new regulations seem quite reasonable and logical to me.

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