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Mobility Scooters on the road


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I am thinking of buying one of the larger models, some thing like this, although not necessarily this model


Looking through the ads it seems that this is yet another thing that is far cheaper in the UK, even given the price of delivery ( I have been quoted about £250)

I see almost none of these here, only electric wheelchairs, and I was wondering about the regulations for use.

I have googled this:

Formalités de base pour utiliser un scooter électrique

Toute personne qui circule en scooter électrique, quelle qu'en soit la

puissance, doit :

  • faire immatriculer ce véhicule à la Préfecture ;
  • porter sur lui la carte grise correspondance ;
  • souscrire une assurance obligatoire et la coller sur son véhicule ;
  • porter un casque
  • respecter le Code de la route.
And I wonder if this applies to disability scooters,(especially " porter un casque")or only to the sort of electric 2 wheeler, especially as the same article also quotes:

Réglementation des 50 cm3 ou moins (catégorie L1e pour la Communauté européenne)Réglementation des 125 cm3
Puissance Jusqu'à 4 000 watts Au-delà de 4 000 watts
Formalités Permis B


Pour les non titulaires du permis de conduire (permis B), il faut passer le

Brevet de Sécurité Routière (BSR) sauf pour les personnes nées avant le 01/01/1988
  • Permis A, A1 ou permis B (obtenu depuis plus de deux ans et avant le 1er


    2007) - article R-221-8 du Code de la

  • Les personnes titulaires d'un permis B après le 30 décembre 2006 doivent


    d'une formation de 3 heures pour avoir le droit de conduire

    un 125

    cm3 - décret n°2006-1811 du 23 décembre 2006
Age Dès 14 ans Dès 16 ans
Référence Article R211-2 du code de la route Article

R-221-8 du Code de la Route

Has anybody any experience with this sort of vehicle, and can they also be used in pedestrian streets/ shopping centres etc, or do  I need something smaller for that?

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Talk to an ergo', Norman.  Mine is a mine of info' on these topics.  You can also get state help for mobility aids (I've had some info on battery powered wheelchairs which quotes the state contribution.)

I know loads of people with electric wheelchairs (some of which are quite fast!!) and I've never seen one with plates, nor anybody wearing a helmet to ride one.  OK scooters are a bit different but not very.


A propos of nothing really - in the UK if you are involved in an accident it is always considered the responsibility of the scooter owner so some sort of 3rd party cover is advisable there, for sure.

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I found the following pages which sum up the various issues (there were quite a few other pages that seem to back this up: these pages seem to be the best summary I found)





What you were looking at really refers to 2-wheel scooters.

As far as I can see, you do NOT need to register 4-wheel scooters which are restricted to low speeds (as opposed, eg to quad bikes)

You DO need insurance

You DON'T need a flourescent gilet

The rules for driving the lower-powered scooters are those for electric wheelchairs

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Excellent! Just what I needed.

Thanks a lot [:)]

Scooter électrique : une circulation réglementée

L'utilisateur du scooter y est considéré comme étant l'égal du

piéton. Il peut donc circuler sur le trottoir mais en respectant les

règles suivantes :

  • rouler au pas (6km/h maximum) ;
  • possibilité de rouler sur les accotements ou sur le bord droit de la chaussée dans le sens de la marche.

Pour une circulation sur la route, il faut respecter le Code de la

route, mais il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir son permis de conduire. La

vitesse ne doit pas excéder 26 km/h. [:-))][:)]

Scooter électrique : assurer votre responsabilité civile

L'obligation de vous assurer est liée aux dégâts physiques ou matériels que vous pourriez faire subir à un tiers.

Lorsque vous achetez un scooter électrique, il faut contacter au plus

vite votre assureur. Celui-ci vous proposera un contrat adapté.

L'assurance de votre scooter peut dans certains cas être couverte par la

garantie « responsabilité civile » de votre multirisques habitation.

Étudiez bien les garanties proposées par votre compagnie d'assurance (ce qui est couvert et ce qui ne l'est pas).

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With my dobbins I'm covered third party under my house insurance but have to declare them.  I'm just talking the scooter over at the mo' and I imagine it will be similar. 

Given how little one gets in this country when somebody else cripples you for life I imagine it shouldn't cost much even if it is extra......[;-)]

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I sent this mail to 7 firms in the UK on Friday.

Either they have all gone bust, or they are doing too well to need my

business, since not one has answered:


 I am looking for a mobility scooter capable of carrying me and my shopping.

I am quite heavy (120 kgs) and handicapped following two minor strokes

as far as walking any distance is concerned, although inside the house

I can get around with walking sticks.

I need

Powerful 8-13 kmh 4 wheel scooter preferably with range 40-50km,

equipped with:

Front and rear lights, indicators, hazard flashers.

Horn and hand brake.

Shopping Basket (preferably front and rear if compatible with a stick

holder, or a soft shopping bag )

Left hand side rear mirror

Double Walking Stick / Crutch Holder

the appropriate battery charger, and possibly an easily moveable ramp

(there is a 4 inch drop from my garage door which opens directly onto

the street)

I would like an all-inclusive price including delivery to France.

Some models I have seen, and prices I have noted: (here I gave 4 example of the sort of scooter I am looking for)
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I had seen them but there is no email address.

The silly little window that opens when you click on 'contact us' refused to accept the message above, so I sent a message saying that as I can't send an email, surely a basic tool of any business, I couldn't place an order.

That was on Saturday and no reply either..

A pity since I was very interested by a couple  of their offers.  (http://www.factoryoutletscooters.co.uk/shoprider_cordoba.php   and http://www.factoryoutletscooters.co.uk/pride_celebrity_x_sport.php)

Still I am sure they can thrive without my patronage [:P]

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If you click on the "request more info" within the model description then a dialogue box pops up - that might work better.

Re Pride : Try their office in Holland if France no good (that's their main European outlet anyway) - the prices and service might be better!

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