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Export car to UK


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In early March of this year I took my French registered Passat cc back to UK to give to son-in-law to sell it, being right hand drive as it was originally bought in UK

I completed a NOVA application and the car is now duly registered on UK plates.

I informed the local Prefecture that the car was exported and sent them a Declaration de Cession d'un Vehicle

The new insurance for the vehicle was due to start on 11th April, however I went to the local agency and cancelled the policy on the above grounds. I have now received a letter from the Agency on behalf of the Insurers requesting me to send "le document de la douane sur lequel est mentionne la date exacte de la vente".

I presume they require a certificate from the French customs that the vehicle has been exported and on what date.

My question is therefore, is this really necessary, ok it's France, and why would the douane be involved on inter EU transactions?

Presumably if I don't supply the information I shall be held to the insurance contract for the next 12 months without having a car!!!
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What they're asking for is the UK equivalent of the qittus fiscal.. you would have had to get one from your local impôts when you originally took the car to France and registered it there, so now you've sent it back and re-registered it in the UK I assume that there must have been similar documentation requirements and your insurers require a copy? If you used the NOVA service, did HMRC advise you in writing that no VAT was owed? if so, a copy of that should be enough.

This is to do with VAT, by the way, which IS payable on intra-EU transactions.

All that said, it might be worth asking in person at the agency because it sounds as if the insurer has simply sent them the normal "one size fits all" request without regard for the specific circumstances of your case.
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My thoughts exactly, however the NOVA application is only kept on the HMRC web site for 1 month so that is a no go. I have requested them to send me a letter of acceptance.

However I do have the French douane certificate exonerating VAT when I brought the car to France so I will present that and see what happens!
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Is there some reason why you didn't simply give your insurer a copy of the Certificate de Cession, with no further details of where the car might go?

That is all I have done when cancelling insurance on cars I have sold here, including one which was exported (to Japan).

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Visited the Agence this morning and it would appear that even though the Insurer did have a copy of the Cessation that was not enough as I had declared it to be exported to UK.

We have come to a deal whereby I obtain a copy of the new V5 showing the new owner and details able to identify the car and also a copy of his Insurance, lucky that it is son-in-law!
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[quote user="CeeJay"]I informed the local Prefecture that the car was exported[/quote]That was your big mistake, the Cert de Cession was all you needed and in truth not even that because you knew for a fact where the car was going and that there was zero chance of it ending up back in France still on it's French plates so there was no necessity for you 'divorce' yourself from it on that score.

That would only have left you needing to cancel the insurance and under the latest rules if you have held a policy for over one year then

you can do that at any time and for any reason.

At the very worst you could have given them a made up CdC citing a fictitious French buyer.

I'm afraid you made this rod for your back yourself [:(]

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This is a good example of the advisability of providing no more and no less paperwork than is required by officialdom, despite advice I have seen on forums from time to time along the lines of "the more the better".

The same rule applies to verbal information requested. Just answer the questions and don't volunteer gratuitous details. Don't dig yourself into a hole you may be unable to get out of.

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