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"Crit'Air"; stickers obligatory for driving in major cities


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Last Swiss vignette I had I stuck on with sellotape then when I was done with it I posted it to my pal in Munich for the hire car he was going to use to drive to visit us later that year.

Against the rules but as its a flat price and obviously can only ever be used in one car at any one time I couldn't think of a single reason why it was actually wrong.
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  • 2 months later...
I think I might have done something wrong with this so looking for some reassurance.

I went onto the gouv website, followed the English link, I put the French immatriculation in and the date it was first registered.

Then it took me onto the payment page which I completed.

I was given a reference number and then received an emailing as confirmation of my request.

However I did not see anywhere that I could attach the CG. So will they get back to me to as further details?


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Or obligated, its voluntary, nothing to stop you driving in or through the zone whenever you choose.


Still the near universal compliance saves them a fortune from actually enforcing any legislation and provides a paradise for the Chancers, a surprise nonetheless as once the camera infrastructure is in it would generate enough revenue to employ loads of lardar5es sitting behind desks playing with trombones or on sick leave to (not) administer it.

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Oops, sorry.

Just saying and to the readers of this forum.

You don't need one unless you live in, commute into or regularly go to the cities concerned. Even then you have to drive into the 'specific' area of the city that is being restricted.

You can still transit Paris, Lyon, Grenoble or wherever without a sticker.

But if you want a sticker that is fine.
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Yes, you will be fine if you stick to the autoroutes.

Even on the A6 which essentially goes into and around Lyon you don't need one.


Grenoble is different I have been reading. You might need one to use the autoroute that passes through the city. So beware !!!

Paris, you can still use the peripherique.

Typically in France, the local police will enforce the zone but not tell you what the zone is. I can't find a zone map for Grenoble.

You gotta love France.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I've vaguely heard of these things. Can't help wondering, like with the breath test things, which member of the government has shares in the company that produces them!

Our nearest big city is Toulouse, currently we only go by ambulance taxi so I think I'll wait to see when they have them. Though possibly they won't need to go into the zones which require Crit'Air stickers.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Cannot believe 6 pages of mostly agonising about this. They cost about 4 euros - unless you never go anywhere just get one - and get over it!

Mine (lilac) looks very small next to the the much bigger green German one on the windscreen.

Mrs H

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