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Synergie Eurodatacar


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Hi all, I bought my first car in France last year and a couple of months ago started to receive demands from the Eurodatacar company who I hadn't realise I'd even signed up to. I' m still not convinced I actually signed anything. I know I should have read the original letter more carefully, but I was in 'english' mode mentally and assumed if I didn't pay the contract simply wasn't renewed. Now they're saying I should have actively cancelled or it's renewed automatically (article L113-15-1). Is this true? Do I have a legal obligation to pay their 95 euros? Can I demand to see a copy of the signed contract? Anybody else been through this and what happens if I simply ignore the demands?
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It's window anti-theft marking and is a tacitly renewed contract - if you don't tell them you don't want it they will renew the contract The letter you were sent was probably your opportunity to cancel the contract.

As anti-theft precautions go window marking is pretty good value at deterring the professional thieves.
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I personally would probably ignore it, if you really didnt willingly sign up to it.

If you bought the car from a garage, they probably added it on as they will likely get commission for "selling" it.

If you do decide to pay, be sure to cancel it as soon as your contract allows... window etching is worthless on anything thats not a collectible car.

Any modern car that gets stolen these days is either used for crimes and burnt or immediately gets a stihl saw across the floorpan and windscreen pillars and the entire front end is lobbed in a container to eastern europe or africa where the mechanical components are sold on.

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AnOther, they dont etch the registration number or chassis number any more, each company that offers this ( there are several) will etch a unique code into the windows and anyone inquiring needs to contact them for the code to be cross referenced to the registered owner. Except if the owner hasnt paid up for the contract they wont give information.

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Can I demand to see a copy of the signed contract? Anybody else been through this and what happens if I simply ignore the demands?


Dont enter into any communication with them, if you do then they will know that they have their foot in the door, they give their contract free to the dealers who in turn pretend that its an added value, all they are doing is buying a list of pigeons, its a numbers game, sadly in France most will pay up the first time, they will not spend any money on chasing those who dont other than a few letters and then they will sell on the "debt" to false huissiers who will do the same again, after 18 months there is no value left to sell on the 3rd or 4th time as its obvious the person is not going to pay, and indeed you are not obliged to, you have not signed a contract and are not under any obligation to read any unsolicited mail.


Put everything except LRAR's in the rubbish bin.

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You are not alone.


What i find so depressing when I research stuff like this is the almost universal French response, "ooh, thats frightening, you should pay it" "OMG what can  do, I'm so scared" "you could try this formal letter begging their forgiveness at over €5 by LRAR" etc etc


Not one person will ever say, "screw them, its scam, throw the letter away and any subsequent ones" its no wonder that these things are so spectacularly successfull in France and I bet the avocats make a fortune listening to people scared witless and whining only to tell them "forget it, its a scam, that will be €100 for my time thank-you".


If you Google there will be several consumer and legal forums where people are wetting their pants over this same scam with the same responses.

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Thank Chancer - I did a bit of research after posting the original message and found several sites (inc the one you linked) saying much the same and I've decided to do what you suggest - nothing!. I also met someone who has ignored these letters relating to three cars he's bought - and he's never heard any more from Eurodatacar.
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