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Beat the Police!


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Tried to breathalyse me once, on a roundabout in Narbonne, as I left the motorway, about 11pm on a Saturday night .... I had just spent the day driving to Barcelona and back to pick up OH from airport ... scenic route on way out, and back via motorway, stopping off for a sandwich once back into France.  Hence a very long day.  I have an asthmatic tendence, hence not breathing well after a long day, and tired ... tried twice, said, in English 'cos I was fed up after the first one sans result, that I had just driven  to Barcelona and back and that no way would I have been drinking ...  all I wanted to do was get the last 30 mins to home done, and after the second no result, he gave up.  Could not get any puff out at all.  Needless to say, I hadn't had a drop, I am not THAT stupid!  Great fun - afterwards!

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NickP wrote :

I got breathalysed last week in Spain 50 metres after leaving a McDonald's car park. Fortunately, I'd had a very small coffee so the reading was 0.00. I'm still trying to get over the irony.LOL

Not so strange as they serve beer in McDos here in France.

When my OH was breathalysed a few months ago at around 14h30 at one of the small roundabouts local to our rather spread-out village (no McDos here) the police-man was astonished at the zero readout. He asked if my OH had eaten lunch .. positive reply .. and you didn't drink any alcohol ? Answer

'No' .. as I trimmed the hedges this morning I knew I would need to have a clear head to take all the trimmings to the tip this afternoon.

Exit one puzzled policeman.

OTOH OH enjoys a glass of red, or three, in the evening if he is sure that he won't be driving.
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