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Complete France Forum

Cancelling Car Insurance.


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Asking questions like this on a forum is always going to get mixed results. And after 7 pages someone will just blame hitler or brexit.

It is like the age old question 'will I be insured when driving my car to a CT station when the CT has expired' ?

Well, why not ask the CT man ???? He will know.

My CT guy will know the procedure for talking a car off the road and using it for parts and I am sure most others do to. Its their job.
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RESULT Today I got a mail from the agency, they're willing to cancel the assurance 'cos I 'registered' the car as hors de circulation as long as I send them the carte verte.

So once again many thanks to all the respondants and advice, I think we all learnt something.

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[quote user="nomoss"]

Except Chancer and me - we've been doing it for years[:D]


Oh, oh, nomoss, and what have you and Chancer been doing for years, pray?  And would you have been doing "it" together or separately?[;-)]

tasng, I certainly learned something useful and I love this aspect of the forum....the capacity to learn things of which you yourself might not have a clue and might never need but which might nonetheless be of use at some indefinite time in the future![:D]

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