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Need own car; never had insurance in own name - problem ?


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Yet another silly question from me....

Like many women who drive both here and the UK, I've never had car insurance in my own name.

I'm now faced with having to buy my own car, in my name, and to have it insured in my name.

Our present french car insurance covers both OH and myself, to drive both our cars.

Both cars are registered in his name.

Insurance is in his name.

Here's the problem.

When I buy a car, I'm presuming I have to have had car insurance put in place first, with date of commencement to be the date I buy the car - yes ?

As a 'new' driver, am I going to be penalised;  or will the years and years of no-claim insurance as 'named driver' count towards lessening cost of taking out new insurance as a new driver be of any help ?  I have thought of the Axa plan, with limited kilometres of 8,000 per year to help reduce cost of insurance - as a first step.  But wondered whether this is the best course ?

Must be a problem faced by some women out here, should they suddenly become widowed;  what happens in such cases ?

Oh dear, the problems of becoming 'less young'....!!

Wise words appreciated - thank you.


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Transferring no claims can be a problem here if not the named policy holder,  I would suggest taking out a policy with the previous provider, they should be able to credit your no claims history.  After a year you can then move to who you like.

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Depends how, and with whom you have your current insurance, but if via a local agency or broker, they will almost certainly be best placed to offer help and advice. Ours are genuinely very friendly and helpful whenever I go into their office with stupid questions. It's certainly a situation where a face to face discussion would be far more reassuring and helpful than just sending off for a quote or filling in an online form.

If you're actually buying a car as part of the process, you'll have time between agreeing the purchase and collecting the car in order to arrange insurance. If you have an idea of the make and model and age of car you'd like, an insurer will provide a quote before you commit to either the purchase or the insurance, so you can make up your mind what to do whilst fully informed.
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Thanks for helpful replies;  yes, probably best to visit our own insurance broker in first place, as they'll have all the info on us.

Just had horrible feelings that I would be treated as 'new' driver, with heavy insurance costs; fingers crossed that won't happen.

But must be an issue faced by some women from time to time here in France.

Thank you - Chessie

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