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Exchange UK driving licence


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Break out the champagne!

My friend's French driving licence arrived today ! We were really getting to point of giving up altogether, but a couple of weeks ago an email arrived asking whether she wanted to retain the HGV-type groups (which she doesn't, never having driven anything like that previously anyway). We replied to that confirming "no thanks" and then it went quiet again.

Anyway, this morning's post has delivered the long awaited licence.

November 15th I think was the date of the first application and then a second attempt with DVLA D737 in May.

So, be patient all ye who seek therein ! :-)
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Well that give me hope, as changing my driving licence is the next challenge coming up, as I move nearer that magic age when needs must.  However, now that the CdS seem to be ready to collect (see my other post this morning), I can now give my attention to this change.  Doing it in good time so that I won't panic that it will run out before the French one arrives!

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  • 2 months later...
We applied to change our UK licences for French ones in early March.
My wife turned 70 in early November so was pleased to receive her Attestation de depot de permis de conduire this week.
She is now legal and has sent off her UK licence and just waits patiently for her shiny new French one.
The system works but remember this is Escargotland!
Be patient and good luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Replying to the question about whether a medical is required and the length of validity - sorry I don't know about any notaire needed, I didn't need one!

It seems not - my French licence is valid from 2018 to 2033 so it's 15 years.

No medical required as I didn't have any need of the 7.5 tonne category - there is now no need for a medical to tow a caravan.

Mine has categories AM/A1/A2/A/B1/B/BE
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"][quote user="Patf"]
ALBF - you mean to say you haven't got a french driving license?

I'm shocked [:'(]


Ummmm....no. Eeek

Do I need one ?

I am 25 years short of 70 so I will just see what happens with Brexit. LOL.[/quote]

Depending on which way the Brexit monkey jumps, you may need to raise your game based on this diktat from the interior ministry:-

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They would fail me for being able to drive safely.

Talking of which, we sold our little VW UP in the summer to a newly qualified driver...18 year old girl.

I let her take the car out for a test drive with me as the passenger.

I can't believe I am still here to tell that story.

GOD ALMIGHTY.....that is all I can say.

I am betting that car longer exists.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Good news at last; my wife's new licence arrived today, just over 10 months since she sent off her application.
Mine was posted at the same time and I'm still waiting.  I am 70 in the summer and anticipate receiving my licence shortly before my birthday; hope I'm not being naively optimistic!
Thanks to all posters for their help and shared experiences.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Don't give up hope but don't hold your breath either...!

When we exchanged my wife's licence about 18 months ago, it was easy..straight to the pref. When I decided to do mine, I quickly read (too quickly!) the latest notes on the govt website and understood exchanges now had to go to the address in Nantes. Stupidly, instead of sending, as requested, just a photocopy of my licence with the application, I did the same as when we applied for my wife's and sent the actual licence - it was only afterwards I understood how the whole process was now working. Fortunately, I have been able to print out a copy of my UK licence from the GOVUK website and that has enabled me to rent cars in the UK etc. I presume it would also get me past any Gendarme checks although that hasn't been tested yet. Here's the bad news...I sent my licence to Nantes in June of last year. This morning, seven months later, I received a paper attestation which runs to September of this year.
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  • 3 months later...
Good news at last!  Having sent off my application in March 2018, I have just received my attestation and have sent off my UK licence.  I'm now modestly optimistic that I may receive my French licence before my UK one expires in a few weeks time!
14/15 months for some paperwork that would take a fonctionnaire about 5 minutes seems less than efficient.
Don't give up if you're still waiting.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes, I do so now wish I'd changed it earlier, but as there was no need (and I quite liked my old, tatty, paper licence!)  Currently in the nothing heard still situation, though I sent it a year before it expires, thinking that surely will be sufficiet, but that was befoer the problems at Nantes had been widely publicised.  And only 3 months now before I can not longer legally drive. 

I think I need a little miracle, if anyone up there is listening, please!
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  • 3 months later...
Well, maybe they are, at last, speeding up in Nantes, because I got my attestation a year to the day that I sent my application to Nantes, on 27 Sept, and 2 weeks before the licence runs out.  Even better, they received my old licence on 3 Oct, and today, yes, 3 working days later, I get the gone into production email, so it now goes to ANTS and we'll see what happens next.  Of course, the new licence, when it is finally sent, and guess what we are doing to celebrate my big birthday at the weekend .. going on a nice cruise ... guess when the licence will arrive .. yes, you got it, whilst we are away! At least that I can deal with ... what a saga, and I have been lucky, I know ... emails, letters ad infinitum .. who knows??  At least the end seems to be now in sight!

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Judith wrote : ... guess when the licence will arrive .. yes, you got it, whilst we are away! At least that I can deal with ... what a saga, and I have been lucky, I know ... emails, letters ad infinitum .. who knows?? At least the end seems to be now in sight!

New driving licences have to be signed for .. perhaps a word with la poste before you go away ?
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Thanks, Sue, yes, I know!  Going to sort out a procuration with the friend who will pop in to do the pool and check the house over, and make it look like someone is about, whilst we are away.  Still, I'm ever hopeful, and as long as it doesn't get struck in the production system which some do, I'll be  happy enough.  Not sure our post office lady will be helpful, we all call her the obergriffenfuhrer!

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I applied for an exchange on June 4 (my UK licence expires on Oct 31) and heard nothing until Monday, when my dossier was returned with a note saying it was incomplete. They claimed I'd failed to send them proof of address and legal residence. Now, I'm pretty thorough with paperwork and spent some time ensuring my application was accompanied by everything they asked for, but who am I to argue?

Quickly photocopied the documents they needed and rushed to the post office. In my village, being Monday, it was closed. Drove 15km to find an open one and sent what I hoped was now a "dossier complet".

On the bright side, the address I was asked to use seemed to be some sort of fast track and I'm hope three weeks is long enough for them to sort things out. Fingers crossed, but I'll be astounded if I can drive legally on November 1.
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Al Rogers, thanks for making me smile this morning.

To quote you :  Now I'm pretty thorough with my paperwork.

and so you are applying for a french driving licence and at the side of the page it says, Al Rogers   - Aberdeen.

Little things do amuse me and this did[Www]

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