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hand brake question


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nomoss, I really did find it difficult on steep hills to get that balance between the clutch biting and handbrake on and then off at the 'right' moment........when the hand brake was only at 30 degrees.

I know everyone says it, but I am  usually a decent driver and I can park[:D].......and this really was a problem for me.

And you have made me think, could it be morphology??? my unadjustable seat position, it would only go forwards or back, and my 'shorter' arms, well certainly shorter than my husbands[Www]. Just wondering.

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[quote user="idun"]
nomoss, I really did find it difficult on steep hills to get that balance between the clutch biting and handbrake on and then off at the 'right' moment........when the hand brake was only at 30 degrees.

I know everyone says it, but I am  usually a decent driver and I can park[:D].......and this really was a problem for me.

And you have made me think, could it be morphology??? my unadjustable seat position, it would only go forwards or back, and my 'shorter' arms, well certainly shorter than my husbands[Www]. Just wondering.


Not sure about that point.

Wherever you start with the handbrake on, you still finish with it in the same position - parallel to the floor when it's off, so the length of your arms makes little difference.

It can't be too difficult to lean a little to compensate for short arms[:D]

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OK fair point, but leaning into the car when I am looking at my outside mirror, as I do, and also checking for that blind spot by actually turning my head. These are  things we do, but it is gestures like these that makes the difference between me feeling happier with a hand brake that seems to bite/unbite a bit further up.

And I cannot explain any differently to that. [:D]

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Good morning, everyone!

I have read and learned.  So, word with garagiste next week (having 2 new front tyres), then wait for CT in December.

I have had 30° and 45° , can't say I have a preference.  BUT, I do like a nice, tight sort of a feel and I do pull it up nice and firm.

For about 20 years now, I have only driven automatics.  This started because OH bought me an automatic as a present.  I was wary because I liked gears and thought I'd feel more in control with gears.  However, I got used to the boite vitesse automatique and all the cars I have driven since have had this handy little feature.

In a way, the hand brake question is less important in automatics, especially when parking on the flat.  I do tend to use the foot brake more, especially if it's only a short stop.  After all, it will only go forward if it's on the flat!  

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Not long after I joined he forum I became concerned about barbed comments between two members. I mentioned my concern in either a post or it may have been a PM to another member. I was informed that the two members kept an eye out for one another and it was just friendly banter.

Since, I have enjoyed reading the banter not just between the two but between other members. It takes this forum from being a 'dry' forum to one that answers serious problems with a mix of humour making it a very pleasant experience.

However, like most forums one has to just put up with the trolls and normally the best thing to do with a troll is to ignore them. Do not rise to their bait. Hopefully, they will get bored at getting no reaction and migrate to another forum.
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