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En attente d’information Télédéclarant - what does this mean?


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I applied for a CG for my new car on the ANTS site at the beginning of January and have heard nothing until today when checking on the site I find this '16/02/2018 En attente d’information Télédéclarant'. I've been checking the site daily and this info has only appeared today. I believe it means that they are waiting for more information but not sure what exactly the 'Teledeclarant' means.

If someone could enlighten me I would be very grateful.

Mrs KG
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To télédéclarer means to declare something online - for example I submit my tax declaration online by filling in my income on the online tax form.

The person who does the filling in is the 'télédéclarant' - the person who submits information online, whether it is to provide details of income for tax reasons or details for a new car registration document.

Perhaps there is some detail - either personal or associated with the car - that you have missed out.

It is easily done .. as I missed out the birthdate of the new purchaser of a car on the transfer form I was completing and was simply told that there was an error - not what the error - or omission in this case - was.

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Thanks for the info Sue,

As far as I know I have scanned everything ANTS asked for ie

Avis d'impot 2017, Cert of Conf, UK Invoice, Cerfa 13730, Cert d'acquistion, DVLA reg doc, EDF bill. It doesn't say what it is they want if there is something else they want and I can't think of anything to send. I have emailed twice in the last couple of weeks to see what was happening and the reply was to keep checking the site. I've just sent another email asking if they want more documentation and if so to let me know what is that they want! Do you think I will get a reply?

It really is a nightmare and is enough to drive anyone to drink (well more than usual that is!)

Mrs KG
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Somtimes, it's something small and easily missed on filling in on-line forms.  This has happened to me once or twice.  Something like your état civil missing can gum up the works.

For consolation, this is normally flagged up by words in red, a flashing red star in the box of the missing info or, in the very best sites, it will refuse to let you carry on until you have done exactly as the computer says.

You might need to go back and check everything.  Also, I don't know whether ringing up is an option?

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Thanks Mint.

It's bizarre but when I look at each document that I've sent - (each is listed seperately) the documents themselves are not showing on the system but my originals look to be OK. On the ANTS site it just says against each item listed 'Nous vous informons que votre autre demande immatriculation n°..... est passée à l'état "Analyse par le service instructeur'.

So I have no means of checking what is missing if there is it would be on the original ANTS registration form I guess which I can't look at on the site.

You cannot contact them by phone.

I know from my insurer that their IT system is in a mess and they are trying to sort it but they also have a shortage of staff and are taking on temporary staff to help out so who knows where this is going!
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Hi Mint,

Yes I could reapply but I don't want to at this moment. It would probably create even more problems to their system! I have sent what bit of information rec'd from them - ref nos etc to my insurer, if I reapply I'll be given a new number, be at the back of the queue and have wasted nearly 2 months - which might be the case anyway. At least the insurer is very understanding and has extended my insurance until March - he probably knows something that I don't!

Mrs KG
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Mrs KG wrote : It's bizarre but when I look at each document that I've sent - (each is listed seperately) the documents themselves are not showing on the system but my originals look to be OK. On the ANTS site it just says against each item listed 'Nous vous informons que votre autre demande immatriculation n°..... est passée à l'état "Analyse par le service instructeur'.

From what you wrote there it sounds as though either something might not have registered correctly on the site or that your docs are waiting to be looked at specifically by someone.

As the wheels sometimes grind slowly it might be worth hanging on for a bit to see if anything more helpful is added to your application in the next few days.
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Hi Sue,

Yes, I am going to hang a on a while but it's impossible to tell whether the application is/has been looked at or if I'm being fobbed off for the moment as they are soooooo busy.

The first email I sent to ANTS 9th Feb to ask if the application was going through was answered with 'we will reply within 72 hours.' They didn't reply so 19th Feb using the same email I asked if they'd forgotten to reply. Not having had a reply to that email I've been checking the site daily to find yesterday the response dated 16 Feb 'En attente etc. So from that I presume that my emailed has been answered on the ANTS site and backdated to the 16th - if you get my drift!

Mrs KG
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Mrs KG wrote : So from that I presume that my emailed has been answered on the ANTS site and backdated to the 16th - if you get my drift!

Absolutely agree on both counts .. I have nothing more helpful to add at present than to repeat hang on in there for a bit and see what happens next.

I do think that the general consensus is that they are overloaded as per the vociferous complaints in French media.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yabadabadoo so pleased as finally ANTS came marching through today so paid up and then immediately got my provisional CG. It's taken just over 9 weeks so anyone else waiting take heart as it will happen - eventually.

Mrs KG
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  • 1 month later...
[quote user="Judith"]Good to hear that Mrs KG.

I've got to change my driving licence soon, but hanging on in the hope that one day they will have sorted the problems!


I've been changing my driving licence since last September, and I still haven't got an actual licence.

I've got a copy of my old valid UK licence and their "attestation" but no actual licence.

There seems to be no end to the variety of dumb questions they choose to ask.

Such as -"Are you a resident in France?"

Answer- Please see carte de sejour copy which I sent you - please note it states "permanent resident"

It makes you wonder if the staff they are employing can actually read!

"How much did they charge, if you don’t mind me asking?"

That's the strange bit - there is no charge apparently.

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  • 2 months later...
We started our application to rematriculate our uk Saab in April, we had to then wait six weeks for our certificate of conformity. We are now still awaiting confirmation that all is ok. Our application constantly disappears off the ANTS site, we then email and get no response but it reappears. At what point, we wonder, should we abandon this and start a new application?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Not sure it helps but recently renewed my driving licence. My application was referred back as incomplete with a note to check the site for what was missing.
I reviewed everything every which way but could not see a clue to what was wanted. But eventually fell on a different area of the site which did specify the missing info and it was a pop up to boot. Sorry I did not keep a note, but it was not in reviewing the original application. More like documentation or messagerie type area. Definately not self evident.
Hope helps JF

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As this thread was old, I think that the 'database' person is trying to sell stuff.

And yes, things can be complicated with paperwork in France,  my son took a load of paperwork for his dossier into his Mairie and no birth certificate, because it did not say birth ceritificate on the info sheet they had given him previously.

He had wondered, but didn't want the tutting about extraneous information, but still got the tutting, as he should have known that they would want it[Www]

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