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Change of address with ANTS query.


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Any help appreciated.

I needed to carry out changes of address for our vehicles with ANTS.  No problem there, all went tickety-boo and the new address stickers arrived, via the post, within a few days.

However, we have one vehicle which is 18 years old and immatriculated with the old licence tag format of NNNN-LLL-NN. The Ants site acknowledges the address change for this vehicle but informs us we need to update to a new Carte Grise bearing a new style immatriculation number.

For this to happen and to receive a new Carte Grise, enabling the purchase and fitting of new licence tags, there is a fee of €2.76. The problem I have now encountered is I am unable to to find a link to enable me to carry out the required procedure and to pay for the new Carte Grise.

My question is, has anbody already been through and dealt with this procedure and is able to point me in the right direction as required?


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Sorted......I'm now the proud owner of a downloaded temporary Carte Grise displaying, amonst other things, new address and new immatriculation. This afternoon I should be able to become the proud owner of new licence tags although I was quite content with the originals. Because of their age they were begining to display an element of uniqueness.

My first mistake in this procedure was to attempt to use the services of a government agency site in the evening on a week-end as it is now apparent that all the so called 'live' links I needed to follow to continue their extra requirements were infact 'dead'.  This morning when I revisited the site I was able to click through the whole procedure within 5 minutes. I actually had longer to wait to receive an sms from the card company to enable me to pay the required €2.76 tax.

I frequently encounter a similar 'dead' scenario when attempting to use BNP Banque on a week-end.

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