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Complete France Forum

Is this a forum or a member's club ?

Jenny Rennes

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I found the 'LOADSAMONEEEEEE' thread fascinating.

It raises 2 questions for me and perhaps others.

Firstly; is this a forum or a private member's 'club'.

Is it just me or does anyone else think that there appears to be a little huddle of posters who have some sort of elite status - or at least they seem to think they have !

They post relentlessly on just about every thread, which I don't have a problem with but in a manner that suggests that their opinion is infallible, which I do.

Their only qualification for this elevated position, as far as I can see, is their ability to spend hours and hours trawling through the postings to find something (anything) that they can comment about.

KKK , whether spoofing or not, produced a thread that was amusing, if a little puerile, but which nonetheless managed to ruffle a few feathers and I am intrigued as to why this little 'clique' are so quick to attack this and other harmless postings.

They all seem to come from the same lot that 'slags off' alternative forums whilst obviously spending hours sifting through them to find something to snipe at.

Do they feel threatened perhaps ? Of what, I cannot imagine but they are all seem very fragile to me.

Anyone else think so ?


Secondly; is it acceptable for forum moderators to 'put their moderator's hat on' when they are personally involved in the verbal skirmish that they wish to moderate ?

I do not think so.



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As I am one who posted on the thread you mention. Here is my position but no doubt I shall be criticised for responding.

I don't think I am elite at all. The posting was clearly a joke and I played along with it. I post when somethings interests me or if I want to know something, that is the whole point of a forum.

I do not think my opinions are right, they are simply my opinions I have every right to express them. People have the right to disagree with me and I them. However, I do refrain from telling people to lighten up or shut up , both of which I have been told do do this weekend.

I cannot speak  for any one else, just me and I haven't got any ruffled feathers at all.

Has it ever occured to you that some people may have difficulty getting out and may have more time to spend 'trawling' these forums?

What would you like, postings limited to 2 a week?

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Must admit similar thoughts have crossed my mind.

Also made me wonder if moving permanently to France was going to be such a good idea if all others could find to do when they were there was spend day and night communicating with (or to) other Brits on a website. Not exactly what I had in mind as living the dream.

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It most certainly is a members forum and not a private club.


Isn't it a bit like being in the pub. Some will sit quietly, some be bavard, some speak from time to time. Everyone has their own opinion and no one has to agree with anyone else, and if someone comes out with a load of tosh then they are usually shouted down by the majority.

I realise that all forums are not the same, but this one has such an eclectic bunch of posters and isn't pink and fluffy, that I am rather fond of it.


ps for all there are photos of fluffy little animals from time to time, I find them quite acceptable and they don't change the way I look at the board.


Re the moderators, well I have no idea why anyone would want to take that job on, but people did and so far their management has been fine with me. They aren't paid, and aren't always on line AND I feel they have the right to make personal comments sometimes. I am sure if anyone considered that they had really crossed the line that they would be screaming blue murder anyway.

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Hello Viva,

Thanks for your lightning-quick reply.

Although you made most of the initial running in the thread I wasn't actually including you in the dreaded 'clique' (I hope this doesn't offend or disappoint you) and you are absolutely right, you are perfectly entitled to your views.

I confess I didn't see your retorts as 'playing along' with KKK's thread as you suggest but it's not always easy to know if people are having a bit of friendly banter or having a dig !

I still think you were having a dig and that's MY opinion, which I am perfectly entitled to.

Hello Teamed Up,

I believe you have the most postings to date (please someone tell me if I am mistaken) and for that you should be congratulated.

I agree with you that the moderators do a splendid job and I wasn't having a dig at RussetHouse.

I just don't think the protocol is right when a moderator moderates their own adversary and I would have hoped for another moderator to step in if necessary.




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As the mod in question I will will say that I saw this thread as bit of lightheartedness that went a little awry in places, nobody minds the occasional joke, but I think telling people to 'Shut up' is rude and against the spirit of the forum, best to nip it in the bud, thats what I hope I did. There were moments when I considered deleting the whole thread, although to be honest it is so 'light' it isn't so much a question of deletion, more letting it float away.

As far as I am concerned I made it perfectly clear when I was in Mod mode, as we all do when such occasions arise.

I think a certain other forum have a system where if you are involved in a thread you can not moderate it, however this only came to light recently when several people complained about the rudeness of one moderator, at least here it is quite transparent who you are and when you are acting more 'officially'

There are hundreds of threads on here, most of which are of practical use or worthwhile discussion, one thread out of so many is hardly significant.

As for people who post all the time I am not pleading guilty, although having been confined to barracks recently I probably have more excuse than most - but as it happens last week I had several PMs asking if I was OK as I had been so quiet.


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[quote user="Jenny Rennes"]

I still think you were having a dig and that's MY opinion, which I am perfectly entitled to.




I've just re read my postings on that thread - if you think I was having a dig there, then you should see me when I really get going![:)]

No, I really was just teasing even with the troll remark, but I have got a strange sense of humour. Anyway you will be pleased to know I'm going out now! [;)]

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[quote user="Jenny Rennes"]

I agree with you that the moderators do a splendid job and I wasn't having a dig at RussetHouse.

I just don't think the protocol is right when a moderator moderates their own adversary and I would have hoped for another moderator to step in if necessary.

Jenny.  [/quote]

If KKK had been rude to me directly then it would have been dealt with differently, as it was he/she wasn't, I put my 'mod hat on' to say in forum speak 'hey watch out, be careful you need to watch your p's & qs' and then the thread went on.

We (Chris, Bill, Jean)DO use the 'mod hat on/off' system here and I think for the majority of people it works well, its straightforward, we all know where we are, all the time. I have seen the other method in action and as far as I am concerned it doesn't work, in fact after the skirmish I refer to, the mod resigned

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Hello Jenny Rennes.  You have obviously posted to receive a reaction. If Viva is not included in the "dreaded clique" perhaps you would kindly inform us who is.

The trampoline was mostly taken in fun as are many subjects on here.  Disagreement can occur with a new poster, just as much as with "ancient" posters.  If somoene wants a laugh or needs one, we have a laugh.  If someone is in need of help, we try to help.

That is how I see it on here, come join us...   [8-|]




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I'd quite like to know too - I've never been in a clique before. Does it pay? [D]

I would hope that people thinking about posting on this forum don't get

put off from doing so because of a perceived unfriendliness or the

operation of a clique. Most people who have been posting for sometime

do so because they enjoy it, not (I hope) because they have nothing

better to do. This is the only forum I look at or post on, so I've

little idea how things proceed elsewhere (I'm getting very parochial

these days). If I have one concern about how newcomers to this forum

are received it is that they are sometimes rather brusquely told to do

a search before asking questions. Sometimes I don't think that that

approach is entirely helpful.

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Jenny - when I first started posting here ( ages ago ) it seemed to me

too that there was a well established clique who commented on most

things.  At that time mostly women. Also I felt paranoid because

everything I posted seemed to be the kiss of death to the thread. Now I

feel more at home but stay out of controversy as I'm not tough skinned.

I like reading it though! Pat.

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Did you know that when the board changed over it's operating system or some such thing, maybe a couple of so years ago,  that many people lost the number of posts they had made, sometimes a lot of posts. As it happened I did not. So the amount of posts that you see marked are no indication of anything anymore.

I have no idea what forms a clique. If anyone feels excluded, then that is their problem really isn't it. I don't think that there is a clique on here. And when I first started posting I got a real hammering from several of the posters who had been on the board from it's early days. In spite of that happening I did not feel that the board was cliquey either.


Personally I think one needs a pretty tough skin to live in France.

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I think the forum boasts some 6000+ members, yet nowhere near that number post for whatever reason. I think the more you get involved , the more you understand people, let alone France!

For example, I now recognise what sort of comments will not provoke but elicit a responce from certain posters.I recognise those posters that sometimes light the blue touch paper and retreat to a safe distance! In some debates, people may play devils advocat and view points often get challenged. For me this and the depth of knowledge on all things French make this forum stand out from others, (which I have seen but not posted on) and long may it last.


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If you trawl any forum you will see that groupings do exist - exactly the forumula which makes forums interesting.  Otherwise we would have a very boring forum indeed and then nobody would look at it and then nobody would post - Forum dead!

People are not the same, people are individuals, you may not approve of the style and comments but others do.


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Just wanted to say that I love reading the forum!!  Hubby, 3 cats & I are hopefully moving over very soon (asking about the cost of living in this category at the moment!!).  I also intend to continue reading, answering (when appropriate) & starting posts (when necessary), when we do "take the plunge"!!  You all sound like a great bunch of people with lots of advice, suggestions & I always look forward to the daily dose of humour - Vive la difference!! 
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I'm a newcomer to this forum but I would still like to comment if I may.  Those who know me will say that I would rather read a good book than do anything else ( although I do work too !).  I have laughed so much at some of the threads, there are so many witty people contributing to the forum.  I have learnt so much because of the wise and experienced people who contribute.  I have also found that most members genuinely try to help with problems experienced by people who post.  All in all it is on a par with a good book and I look forward to my regular read - it's NEVER boring !!


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Well said, Tessden.  I am positively hooked on the forum and look forward to the few spare minutes when I can wrench the computer from my children to sneak another look at the latest postings.  I have had some very good advice from people on the forum.  So keep it going, everyone!


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