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I'm looking to set up a website helping ex pats to get over minor (or indeed major) hurdles such as filling in paperwork, translating, writing letters, making phone calls and finding out information for those who don't yet have the language skills (and it will come - once the hard part's done and dusted that is!) to deal with things that you wouldn't think twice about dealing with in the UK.  There will be other services as well, like sending over smoke alarms and domestic fire safety advice from a qualified Fire Safety Officer, and professional counselling services for those who need them (hopefully not too many). 

I am a French national with English/French parents brought up in France and UK and therefore have the benefit of being fully fluent in both languages and cultures etc.  I've helped a couple of people sort out various bits and pieces that have taken me just a few minutes but has avoided a lot of hassle for them and they keep telling me that my help should become more widespread.

My aim is to provide help and support however often it is needed for a small yearly fee rather than pay-by-service, as this would prove costly to the customer.  My other aim is to provide an excellent, value-for-money service (within 24 hr turnaround) via email or phone (I am UK based with a second home in France) without ripping anyone off.  It makes my blood boil that there are so many cowboys out there fleecing British residents/second home owners who have the courage to do so in a different country.

So!  Any suggestions as to what else I could offer (and the inevitable "from offer to contract signing" service or "give me a property brief and I'll go and find it" service would come in WITHOUT the extortionate fees) as well as "SOS" building services for those wanting recommended workmen to do an urgent job quickly. 

I'm open to comments = if you think the whole idea is a waste of time then do let me know, might as well be sunning myself behind my desk at work than trying to build up something no-one wants....

Thanks for listening! - and I hope I get some replies!



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[quote user="Nathalie"]

My aim is to provide help and support however often it is needed for a small yearly fee rather than pay-by-service, as this would prove costly to the customer. 


I think what you are proposing would certainly find a market - but at what price?  You could find yourself working full-time for a couple of nuisance clients - this could prove costly to you!  I would think very carefully about how open-ended you leave the deal, otherwise people will abuse your service if you don't charge according to work done.


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We joined Oui Can Help about 6 months ago & have been really happy with the help they have given us - e.g. setting up appointments with French banks, talked us through the French tax & healthcare systems etc.   They also offer a 24 hr helpline in case of any sort of emergency.   I would hate to be moving over without knowing there was someone I could call if a problem arose - that can't be dealt with on the forum. 

My only advice about setting up such a service would be to be sure you could handle all the queries.  You could end up with more clients than you can deal with, in the time allowed - i.e.  there have been times that a 24 hour turnaround would not have suited us - we needed (well, wanted) answers straight away & it freaked me out when I phoned & the lines were busy.  If someone is making the "big move" & tend to be a little panicky about things (& yes, I am talking about Mark & me!! [:$] ) you could be dealing with everything imaginable, if you are their only form of support.  If you intend to work on your own - it might be difficult.

If you are looking for staff - don't ask us!!  Mark wobbles & I panic!!  [:-))]

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[quote user="Cathy"]

Mmmmm - I wonder.  Will people pay for this?  Can't they get this sort of advice for free on English speaking forums (fora?) like this one?


I don't think you get things like filling in paperwork, translating, writing letters, making phone calls on the forum.  Occasionally, perhaps, but not as a guaranteed service. 


Edit: PS You say fora, I say forums .... [:)]

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Hi Nathalie,


I think what you suggest sounds like a good idea, but is the sort of thing many of us do for free.  Over the years we have been asked to help many people with this sort of thing and have done so with pleasure. We have never considered charging anyone for our help and have been quite upset when people have tried to insist on paying us. After all, we have all been new here and not everyone has the resources to pay for a little kindness.


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[quote user="booboo"]

out of curiosity, what bank did they recommend??


They didn't.  We picked the bank & asked them to set up the appointment.  It was just round the corner from the hotel we were staying in - & it was just so we would have an account, ready in place, for when we move over.  Will be shopping around for the best deals - once we get settled.


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