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mobile hairdressing


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Hi all, am thinking of starting a mobile hairdressing business, but dont know where to start, so thought i would ask.

1. Who do i have to see first.

2. Where would i register the business.

3. Would my diplomas be recognized over here.

I have been a hairdresser for 23 years, and ran a business in England for 20 years, did not think i wanted to do it anymore, but had 6 months off  so getting abit itchy to do something.

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Hi Egger

1 Make an appointment and go to your local Chambre de Metiers

2 The Chambre de Metiers - as hairdressing is considered to be an activity "artisansale"

3 Should not be a problem if you are qualified and can show experience

You may or may not be required to attend a 5 day course - basically an introduction to various aspects of starting a business. There may or may not be other regulations regarding having a salon (mobile or not) so ask as many questions as possible!

Remember, you decide exactly when you want the business to start (regardless of when you do the course).

Very important  - from the day you register/start, you will be liable to pay charges (cotisations) . Bear this in mind as money will then be going out regardless of what you make. You should expect cotisations of around 3000 euros in the first year and more in the second year although you can plead with them to pay less if you are not earning... Don't do anything rash and find out as much as possible before you start. Better to know what to expect than get financial shocks!!!


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Interestingly in order for a native French person to get their qualification they have to study for and pass an English examination, i wonder how many Brits that turn up waving their vocational qualificatiuons are refused until they can pass the French language exam which seems far more appropriate to me.
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Please explain yourself! Why would i need to do that. I have ran an hairdressing shop for 20 years, the clients i would do, are going to be mainly English. I am not saying that I will not learn French, am having lessons now. Surely you cannot expect someone to move over here, and be able to do a French exam in 6 months. Why would i need to do that anyway, my city and guilds exam should be recognised in any eu country.

I think you just trying to get under my skin, well you failed. Hairdressing is the same world wide, what could they teach me, how to put a roller in, I think not.

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I will explain myself[:)]

I wasnt trying to wind you up, just trying to show the differences between the way the two countries treat  proffesional qualifications.

In the UK if you think you are good enough at something be it hairdressing, bricklaying, lansdcape gardening etc you can go out and seek work and to a certain degree worry about registering as self employed and paying taxes later, OK I know that gas installation and now electricity to a degree is controlled but other than old boy networks like the law generally one can do what one chooses, and if you are any good you will probably succeed.

I was not suggesting that you could learn anything about hairdressing here (French language perhaps) but just trying to illustrate that you  are priveleged to be able to commence your trade here without learning the language  (and not think of it as your right) with as you say only english clients when a French person would have to learn English to qualify when they might never have an English client.


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[quote user="egger"]Sorry J.R, must have read your first post wrong. I guess I am lucky. Been told I can reg as part time so will not cost as much[:D].[/quote]

You can? Are you sure? That must be a new rule, as plenty have tried and failed (to pay less for working part time, rather than being hairdressers).

Interesting to note that the only shop left in our village is the hairdresser...


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Can you tell us more about being able to "reg as part time"?

That has me a bit baffled. As far as I understand, there is no way of registering part time or full time. There is no counting of hours for self employed people. The charges you have to pay are based on your income from the business.

If you register, you will still have the same charges to pay as anyone else whether you work 2 hours a day or 7 days a week. Just to give you an example: When I started my business, I did what I thought I could to prepare but... I spent the first three months buying stuff and equipping my workshop. Not doing any paid work at all. Big mistake. The bills started arriving regardless or what income I was making (zero). I didn't want to spend any business money  until I was registered because I thought that I would able to reclaim something for the expenditure. Another mistake. As I was a 'micro entreprise' there was no TVA to claim back or charge. There was no financial benefit to buying equipment after my registration date. I should have bought things in advance and built up the workshop before I registered.

So, the cotisations are based on your previous years earnings but as the business is new, there is a standard set of charges to pay in the first year even if you make zero money. For me it was about 3500 Euros. At the end of the first year, if you have paid too much you should get a reduction and some money back.

If things have changed, it would be interesting to know.  Please be careful with what you are told. It is easy to misunderstand and I been told completely contradictory things even by Fonctionnaires. It is not them who receive the bills ! Ask as much as possible, just to be sure.

Sorry if that is a bit rambly - it is a bit early...



EDIT: I see Nick got there just before me... with the same question.

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I asked my French teacher, and she said you can ask to register as a part time hairdresser ( a temps partiel), she said she knows people who have done that. She did say things change all the time. I will find out next week, going to England this weekend [:(] so will not have time this week. So I guess watch this space [:D]
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