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slightly confused.


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I have a friend who charges 50€ per room per night for B&B. She has people staying perhaps 6 weeks a year so that's 2100€ pa. gross. But look on the B&B forum, Jon for better info. You really ought to study it carefully if that's what you want to go into.

Clarks - after reading your post on the previous page I at last understand the cheque d'emploi system. Very clearly put.


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I came on the site for a chat...to look at the views of others...

I have come to the conclusion that for those of you who emplo gardeners you pay something like 25/30 euros an hour.

The people who have B and Bs and only take 2000 euros each year will be , surely doing their own gardening.

I am learning about gardeners.....and indeed about the contributors to this website.

Bed and Breakfast will be as vunerable as anything in this climate....stormy in many ways.

I have researched...I always research..



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Hi Jon

So let's chat, I am genuinely interested in what your plans are.  I find your postings a little odd and I think others do too, you write very differently to most other people on here.  You seem to tail off at the end of sentences or make some dramatic statement which has nothing to do with the subject in question and leave it hanging, I think it's this that baits people (me included) to sometimes have a dig, I don't think it's malicious at all.

So B& B is rarely a main income for most on here, from postings I've seen I would say Cerise knows what she's doing, I believe it's only a sideline for her too.   I think the average quoted of 5k would be about right.  Other trades, electricians, carpenters that I know can charge up to 300 euros a day, this compares favourably with the UK, they get by on this, not as well as they would in these trades in the UK but a good living here.  I am freelance IT and can charge the same as in the UK, which is great but finding work that can be done remotely means I generally work part-time, I speak french but as yet have failed to find a french contract job, my technical french is not yet good enough.   I don't know anyone who could be seen as 'raking it in here and I never expect to, I know that earning money in any field is tough, for gardeners as well!!



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But Panda are you really not intending to be malicious?

So many of you are so sure of  yourselves........do you ever question that I may be wiser than you think.

I am not like any of you....I do not think, write, buy properties, cook or decorate like any of you.That does not  put me in a dark corner which lacks information about the world.

I could feel the cold wind of financial doom drifting through the trees at Holland Park.....about a year ago.....when to most people thought  it was not possible.

I sold ...[ at the right time]moved on[ to the right place...for me]

I am creating a very special place for people to stay...when I am ready to receive clients .......then you can see the full picture...

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Jon .... I really hope you find something special to say about cleaning toilets, washing up and ironing.  Perhaps a 'different' bloke like you won't have to do the mundane things that most of us do to earn a crust.  You may be ineffably wise or extraterrestrial but I expect you'll find that your guests block sinks, spill wine and act like human beings most of the time.

If you were wiser than I thought you wouldn't even be entertaining the hopitality business!

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Tony...are you the spy of 33?

So what if I have advertised for a gardener....At the moment I am not using one....doing it myself

We all have a preference for work...

Many ...lets say most of you did not come to France with catering /leisure experience and many of you hate the idea of having guests....that does not mean I feel the same!

Yes I know about the spilled wine and the complications....but thats not new to me.I prefer that to accountancy,IT, or filling shelves in Tesco shepherds Bush for 6 pounds per hour.

If I have to do mundane jobs....then so be it.....not a problem for me I have washed dishes from 6 pm to midnight at my restaurant when I could not get a kp.

Look you are just looking for a fight........your idea of fun.There is infact nothing to fight about as I have my own ideas......and that does not put me on another planet.Have a good easter...cook  something nice...and behave yourselves.


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Look Steve this is the the fee which the specialist of this forum seem to suggest 300 euros a day...then they pay their taxes.

By the way I advertised on a forum which is specific to my area 33....very logical.

Tony ...I notice loves gardening, food and wine...I trust that as he loves food so much that he may be a good cook...so therefore we may have something in common.La Poudette at Pujols is a lovely restaurant and worth travelling to.


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[quote user="jon"]

But Panda are you really not intending to be malicious?


Si, as in yes I am definitely intending NOT to be malicious

[quote user="jon"]

I am creating a very special place for people to stay...when I am ready to receive clients .......then you can see the full picture...


Good luck and we will look out for the hotel warming party!!

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You are a strange bloke jon.  You ask about the price of gardeners and then from that deduce that many of us do not care for our guests.

As we speak my husband, who has a full time job here in France for a French employer, is doing our garden.  I like our guests and our B & B does slightly more than OK, but if we could bring in enough money to pay gardeners 200€ a day I don't think we'd be here!    I'm not too proud to clean toilets, stack shelves, work in a bar or do any other mundane job but I'm never going to pretend that those jobs are life fulfilling however delightful my customers are. Maybe you want all of us who work full time in France to confess that it is the land of milk and honey and not really hard to make a living at all. 

I assume you are bored (oh sorry, not allowed to make assumptions are we) and so enjoy baiting people here.  Your prerogative - but slightly pointless don't you think.     Those who work or run businesses here know how hard it is - those who have plenty of money wouldn't find it hard anywhere.

Now I'm off to do some life changing bed making before the guests get back.

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Some of you are very artistic at changing your script according to your desired arguement.

you also not listien...

I have engaged in more cleaning, wine spilling and hard physical work than most of you...and do not intend to stop...just yet.

I am not skilled at gardening...so I am seeking a real gardener.

Certainly not a strange bloke....and  not currently bored.

You lot are strange...you say that I need to pay 200 euros a day ...so I should pay[you are not prepared to pay]

 maybe because  I can afford to pay a gardener  from time to time then I  become the enemy.

No this is not the land of milk and honey.......but there is much milk produced here and lots of great honey.......you have to work for it....and I will work  untill the day I am too sick to carry on.

Nothing strange about that ....I call it positive and productive.


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Some of you are very artistic at changing your script according to your desired arguement.

you also not listien...

I have engaged in more cleaning, wine spilling and hard physical work than most of you...and do not intend to stop...just yet.

I am not skilled at gardening...so I am seeking a real gardener.

Certainly not a strange bloke....and  not currently bored.

You lot are strange...you say that I need to pay 200 euros a day ...so I should pay[you are not prepared to pay]

 maybe because  I can afford to pay a gardener  from time to time then I  become the enemy.

No this is not the land of milk and honey.......but there is much milk produced here and lots of great honey.......you have to work for it....and I will work  untill the day I am too sick to carry on.

Nothing strange about that ....I call it positive and productive.


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This whole thread was started because you implied that the Brit who quoted you 200 euros for a days gardening was asking too much and that you could get it done cheaper.  Different folk then tried to explain why there is difference between some bloke off the street who has no tools and no skill versus a skilled gardener.  That's it, in a nutshell whether we anyone, you included choose to use either is not the issue.

It will be interesting to see whether you can see the difference when you start your business or will you be charging the 25 euros a room B&B that I can get in my local village at the local Hotel de Commerce??

I'm sure you will say you get what you pay for, I hope so because then the point will have got through!!!


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Well raindog - his posts certainly get people talking!  Don't think of jon as the enemy but just trying to point out the French paradox.  The guy who sets up his own business as a gardener has to charge about 200€ a day to make living.  However, people - like my husband - who speak French, do a skilled job and have full time employment with CDI - will have to work for a whole WEEK to pay to pay for a day and a half of gardening.  So the man who HAS to charge that much money is unlikely to get much business (unless he is Cote d'Azur or similar) as none of the employed people living nearby can afford to employ him and the rich foreign retirees are unlikely to be sufficiently numerous to keep his business going.    Catch 22 innit?

Our choice to live here so not posting out of self pity - just a hard fact.  Reason why a lot of people can't get their business off the ground or don't earn much money.  Don't think many people want to pay the gardener 3 times what they earn themselves.

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