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Please can anyone tell me how you apply for RMI and exactly what it is? I only know the very basics so all information would be welcome.  For instance does a small amount of interest received on a savings account need to be included, I would presume so?  Is there a limit to any savings held as there would be in the UK?


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You can find all the information relationg to RMI from the Public Service website [url=http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/N11902.xhtml?&n=Emploi,travail&l=N5&n=Revenu%20minimum%20d'insertion%20(RMI)&l=N478]HERE[/url].

Note that if you have been living in France for less than five years and you are not working, then you must have sufficient resources so as not to become a burden on the French social security system.  That means that in order to remain legally resident in France, your income must exceed the amount of RMI - so in other words, you won't qualify for it.


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I know you have had all the answers to questions you didnt ask :) par for the course here I'm afraid.

If your a registered enterprise in France, paying social charges etc etc, and have at least one tax return, ie you have been registered for more than a year, then you are entitled to RMI .

 In your situation you should not be paying any cotisations other than the obligatory pension contribution around 500 euros a year, and approx 9% of net income towards medical cotisation, but in return your are going to get CMU, so you will not need to pay any medical charges.

Go to your local Marie, and ask how you get intouch with the Assistante Sociale, make an appointment to see her and she should be able sort the whole lot for you.

hope this helps

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[quote user="tj"]

I know you have had all the answers to questions you didnt ask :) par for the course here I'm afraid.

If your a registered enterprise in France, paying social charges etc etc, and have at least one tax return, ie you have been registered for more than a year, then you are entitled to RMI .


According to Deb, she has just started up a new business but her hours are not yet up to full-time.  Unlikely then to have been registered for more than a year and to have submitted at least one tax return...[;-)]


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