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Electrical Conversion Course - Bergerac - Need contact details


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My husband needs to do an Conversion course to prove that he is a qualified electricaian to work in France.  Even though France's  Electrical installations are not up to the standard of those in the UK, he still need to do one..  I have heard, that there is a course in 'Bergerac' that is also in English, rather than having to take a translator with you, to ensure you have understood the questions correclty.  Does anyone know of the course, and any suggestion where I would look and search in the Internet.  Any info would be much appreciated, as I don't know where to start.

Many thanks


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 I'm being serious.  My husband DOES need to do a course to prove that he is a qualified electrician.  I have been advised this by a firend who already lives here in France.  What bit are you refering to as being a wind up????  The fact that he needs do do one?  I wouldn't be waisting my time to write on here just for a 'spoof'!!



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[quote user="vida "]

  Even though France's  Electrical installations are not up to the standard of those in the UK, he still need to do one..  I have heard, that there is a course in 'Bergerac' that is also in English, rather than having to take a translator with you, to ensure you have understood the questions correclty.  [/quote]

That part Vida, but since then I have seen that you have also asked elsewhere, so sorry for doubting you and sorry that I cant help with the info you are seeking.

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Vida wrote:

" Even though France's  Electrical installations are not up to the standard of those in the UK,"

Maybe some of the older wiring in older properties leave a little to be desired but that is true in any country , France's new regulations are in my opinion superior to those in the UK.

We (in the UK) still allow the inherently dangerous ring main system!

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Hi Nick, Thanks for repling to my post.  I'm sorry If I sound ignorant, but I just don't know where to start.  I believe I need for my husnabd to contact the Chamber of Metiers, to register as an artisan, but when I read another site, it states that Artisans need to complete a 1 week course called 'Stage prealable a la creation d' entreprise'.  Did you do this.  You mentioned in your post that my 'OH' can do this.  Who is this?  I'm sorry if I sound completely ignorant, but I just dont know where to trun and who to contact.  Mt French is very limited, so I agree, I need someone to help me out, but again, don't know where to start.  We are in the Gironde Region, but not Far from Bergerac, whom I believe is the Chamber of Metiers, who are the ones I need to contact.  Who did you prove your qualifications to?

I have looked at various links and sites on the forums, but any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Vida

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I am sure you are referring to to the Stage, a mandatory couse covering French business generally, whiuch you must complete before you will be allowed to register your own business

They run the course in English at the Chambre de Metiers in Perigueux

Electrical work, along with some other trades is a regulated activity and you must be listed on the register at your local Chambre de Metiers to be able to trade legally

After you do the Stage you register at the C of M

To register you need to provide your electrical qualifications, translated by an official traductor in to French

If your qualifications are not acceptable you have to prove that you have a minimum of 3 years experience in your trade, written proof from previous employers is required

Get a good accountant and get him to register your business with you

The French regulations are more stringent than the UK regs, and in my view better, the idea that all things British are better is not always the case

I encounter this problem, particularly with gas installations where clients want what the had in the UK which often does not meet the regs here

Make sure you know the electrical regs before you start to work here

Alternatively you could always find work through an agency like Manpower to get experience before you start your own business

Le Plombier

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Le plombier, that you for the info.  You have been most helpful.  I have been in touch with the C of M, via a friend who can fully translate everything for me.  It seems that, the right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing and we eneded up going around in circles when talking with them.  At least I have a bit more info to work with now.  Thanks again
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