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SD's is the government site, Clair's first has the advantage of a useful discussion forum, though the site is not officially run. www.apce.com (another official site) has information about the autoentrepreneur regime, while https://www.cfe.urssaf.fr/autoentrepreneur/CFE_Bienvenue is an alternative, officially-run, to the government site for on-line declarations.

So there is plenty of choice. (edited to keep up with Clair's edits)


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Can anyone help out with a query about registration with the RCS for autoentrepreneur status please?


On page 23 of the English translation mentioned here, there is a table which appears to suggest that it is possible to register with RCS or RM if you wish to do so,  and thus receive a SIRET number, I can't find anything similar in any of the French language sites.

Pages 7 of this translation says that you will be issued with a SIRENE number on application to INSEE , again I can't find any reference to this on French language sites.

The reason I am asking is that the nice lady who just visited me from La Banque Postale, insists that an autoentrepreneur will NOT be able to get a registration number, and therefore will not be able to set up a website accepting credit card payments, which is what I want to do.

Any advice will be greatefully received.

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Contrary to some of the earlier documents, you get a full 14-digit Siret number rather than just the 9-digit Siren, when declaring your autoentrepreneur business. Your post office bank woman is talking out of her ####.
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The monthly option has not yet been implemented, so for those who began in January the first payment becomes due at the end of April.

If you have registered here http://www.net-entreprises.fr/lautoentrepreneur/accueilgeneriquemdp.htm after receiving your Siret etc, you can declare and pay on line. If not, no doubt the relevant authorities will soon get in touch asking you to declare your earnings.


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I'm pretty sure you can be an AE for market trading. What you do need to consider is the margin you're operating on. If you buy stuff (e.g. tools) wholesale and sell them then you might find the combination of the TVA treatment and the AE method of basing charges on turnover, rather than profits, stops you making a living.

If you're selling your own goods (produce or home made toys, for example) then it will probably work.

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We have just received siret number having registered as professions liberales on line and have just received bumf from Premaliance mutuelle company stating the following:

    'Pour votre entreprise quelque soit votre statut, vous avez l'obligation de faire adherer votre entreprise a un regime de retraite complementaire des salaries dans les trois mois suivant sa creation.'

They then request we complete an enclosed form for AGIRC et ARRCO.

Does anyone know exactly what this is?  Is it obligatory to return this form?  I assumed the 21% quoted as an AE included all contributions and cotisations automatically.


'Bert & Chris

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Cam anyone clarify the following two things  for me please ?

In the AE rules, it states that a person needs qualifications in certain fields, eg electrician etc. The official French site seems to say that anyone setting up in this type of profession must show their qualifications to their trade body before registering on line. However, I can't see anything that checks that thsi process has been done. So can an unqualified person register on line as an electrician for example and get a siret number?

As well as a siret number, do AE get a certificate confirming what they are registered to do?


I looked at the link given following the enquiry about a letter being received regarding an obligatory complementary pension schemes but it wasn't in English and the French was a bit technical for me. I understood taht the letter should be ignored- is that right?


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The autoentrepreneur status does not absolve you from any requirements of controlled trades or professions. So you need the same qualifications/experience/insurance cover as any fully-fledged business operating in the same field. You are, however, excused the need to do the stage on business formalities.

Your online application should be passed via the relevant CFE - in the case of an electrician this would be the local chambre des metiers - which is supposed to ensure that you are suitably qualified before the Siret is issued. You do not get a certificate as such, but the document from INSEE giving your Siret will carry your registration details, and your assurance certificates should also detail the trades etc.

The gist of the discussion about the letter, if I have understood correctly, is that these letters only concern you if you have employees. As, by definition, an autoentrepreneur does not employ others, this does not apply to you. There was an opinion that you should return the documents with the number of employees stated to be '0', but that was an opinion rather than a necessity.

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Thanks so much for such a clear reply, which confirms my understanding. What I am worried about is the issue of anyone  registering as an AE,  when they are not qualified for what they have registered for. Saying you are an AE sounds right & proper so I see real problems for the innocent public who think they have a qualified tradesman.

Would the website let someone regsiter as an electrician without going via their Chambre des Metiers? If yes, it's  a haven for cowboys!

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