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C'est obligatoire!

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This is a observation more than anything!  perhaps it more rightly belongs in french culture but i wondered if anyone else has had similar experiences.   C'est obligatoire must surely be the most popular saying with french officialdom!    We recently went to register for CPAM.   Other half doesnt have sufficient contributions.   all was going quite well with very stern lady at CPAM until second visit when she asked for OH's bank RIB - he doenst have one yet i explained.    VERY stern look - c'est obligatoire.      Gosh I said sycophantically (spelling!), well thats our fault, if thats how it is, i completely understand, giving my most charming smile.   Slowly the hint of a smile crept over her face.  What can he do now in your opinion I tried again with a smile.    2 second pause - no problem she said !   and carried on with paperwork - all complete within 5 minutes.

Few days later, new tyres required on car - go to nearest tyre place, have tyres fitted, nice lady at desk asks for log book of all things.   I looked at her in amazement - to have tyres changed!    C'est obligatoire en france she confidently announced.   Same routine, gosh, so sorry my  fault, how stupid am I - just don't happen to have it with me...   2 seconds later, nice smile from lady behind counter, not to worry she said happily, whatever you have with you (!!!) what does that mean - dragged out insurance documents, and was told, that would be sufficient.

Sometimes they are not as bureacratic as they look !

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Not sure about the real point of these observations, or if meant to be  humorous or just observations, [:P] but if you don't have a bank account it is impossible for CPAM to refund you the payments due to you, so yes its obligatory and in your interest to have a bank account and provide an RIB, not sure why other half not having enough contributions needed his own registration and bank account details given to CPAM anyway, but perhaps that is another issue.[8-)]

The log book is a Carte Grise unless you are still driving a UK registered car (which you will need to change as you are now resident here) but anyway its normal to give this in so that they can take the details from the log book for the invoice.  They sometimes also take the CT dates as some dealers offer a free pre CT check. 

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part of both Ron!    i think i am trying to say that a nice attitude is going to benefit you in any country, and to get frustrated by what seems officious probably will work against you.

Was not aware of requirement to have carte grise with you for such issues as changing tyres, not been my experience in uk, but i will learn from it!

gosh dont we all get up early in france!

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Carte gris should be kept in glove box of your car with insurance docs, CT (and driving licence?) in France. C'est obligatoire - so that gendarmes can find your details easily if a) they stop you or b) you have an accident!
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