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RSI payments


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Hi I have been living and working in France since July 2007. I buy and sell vintage clothes and small art deco objects etc or anything my clients might want. I registered and started paying the usual fees. I was on micro and did not need a accountant but because of not being a French speaker and knowing the system took one anyway. I paidf  2 payments to RSI, and ursaff every month. I have just had a demand for 10.000 euros as they said I did not pay RSI and I certainly did not kniow I should have been paying I heard nothing from the accountant or RSI for 3 years. I am now very worried as I do not have the money to pay as I am a small enterprise and just earn enough to survive. I am paying RSI now but its the back payments that they are demanding. Can anyone advise please I am very worried.
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We have had nothing but nightmares from RSI since we have been in France.

We thought we had paid up all that we owed after being here for 5 years then all of a sudden they find that they had not been taking certain payments for pension and Maternity and demanded all the money within 14 days!! I really feel for you as they have been a complete mess for years and its only now that they are catching up on all the mistakes. I think firstly if you can find someone that can write you a letter to them to ask what exactly the payments are that they are asking for. Ask your accountant if you are paying them to explain what has gone on if they can and pray that its all wrong.

Ours was not and be perfectly honest if it had not been for a family member with some money we would have been in deep stuff.

I wish I could give you good news but I think that it will end up not so good I'm afraid. All I can say is RSI is the Devil reincarnate...
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This must be a real worry for you and I sympathise. We received a demand for some 8K euros from RSI for 2008 around 3 months ago. i am lucky in that i leave everything like this to my french accountant, so less worry. The "amusing " thing about the whole situation was that within 3 days we received demands from their offices in Marseille and Avignon for differing amounts for 2008. My accountant has letters going back over a period of 3 years asking them to clarify which office we should deal with, all unanswered and sent registered. It appears that the 2 offices don't communicate with each other. We opted to go to the tribunal, RSI didn't turn up and wrote a letter to the juge to say we owed nothing. I asked my accountant if we could sue for his fees but he didn't think it wise. My feeling is that RSI is completely out of control and has been instructed from on high to collect as much revenue as possible and we are easy target, foreigners, so that's where they start. if your accountant is any good he should be able to sort this quickly if you have your accounts to hand.

I wish you well, if I win the lottery Saturay I'll pay your accountant.

Good luck

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If it is any consolation the URSSAF are just as bad.

These social security collection agencies are vicious and nasty and as has been said, apparently out of control.


In the past few years the URSSAF has cost us a lot of money, as they decided that husband's employer has to do XYZ, and they had to. They have not asked other employers on the same site to do the same things.

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Hi thanks for your replys. I have different demands from different departments and the accountant has been givin his marching orders I am afraid as I felt that he should have spotted this error before but did not and that is why I hired an accountant in the beginning. I was not offered any coarses where you go and find out all about these social charges and that is why I had the accountant I feel he has taken the money and did no work. Its a very large firm with offices all over France. I was paying Ursaff every month and even gor refunds from them. RSI knew I was here after the 2 payments I paid to them and I just cant believe no one spotted I was not paying anything. It seems unbelievable when I think about it.
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If this is a big accountancy firm then you will have signed a contract on day one.  Have a look at it again because I have a feeling (since I too used one for a year or two when I came here to be sure of my ground) that their professional body gives you some comeback if they have given you bad advice.  I could be wrong but it's worth a look.  It may not help if the charges are legit' but it might be that you can re-claim any resulting penalties from them 
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Thanks I will look for the contract otherwise can ask them to send me a copy as the contract does not run out till July 1st; they seem to have not even bothered to advise me properly in fact it took a while to find one that spoke english and when I did her english was very limited every time I asked her a question she answered "we will see" and after a few months I had not heard nothing I called and was told she has moved to another office and I have a new accountant who spoke no english at all!!!!!! Its been a complete nightmare I have my french friend with me who translated but its not the same
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You have all my sympathy - although I know it's worth nothing.

Idun is right though, these collection agencies are a law unto themselves. The others are just as bad.   I went for several months without a bill for my CMU payments and I was in hospital so hadn't realised this had been happening until I got out - and then it was only at weekends when they were shut.  I wrote to them (URSSAF), phoned them, my o/h visited them, I e-mailed them, you name it and nothing but a few responses saying that they would sort it.  Eventually they agreed that I owed them money (luckily I knew exactly how much so had it in the bank waiting ) and lumped on about 500€s worth of penalities to boot!  Happily, I had all the evidence and correspondance in which they had said they would sort it, so a copy of this and a strongly worded letter did the trick and I got a new bill with the payments but no penalties.  But it was very, very distressing at the time, especially for my o/h who was having to cope with a lot of it in my absence, and visit me every day to boot.


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