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doubts about living in France.


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Hi everybody,

I do not know if it's just me, but I am finding it harder and harder to find work in France and keep a job. I lost my job in Feb in Annecy, I was a technical commercial in wine, qualified in the university of wine in Suze la Rousse, I found it very hard to find work after even though I was made redundant from a CDI due to economic reasons. I travelled from the Alps to Savoie, Isere, Rhone Alps, dept 84, 30, 34 and finally 66 (perpignan) looking for work, made several 600kms round trips for interviews but even though the work implied that I knew English and could be able to write in English perfectly I was always 2nd or 3rd choice. I am back in the Drome now, I am really, really depressed living in France at the moment, thinking of packing up my bags and going back to the UK.....I am sure there are many of you in the same situation. Economically it's no-longer viable to stay in France. I went to the UK in June, and again in September to undertake some training in order to give me a chance in the UK market. I did my lifeguard course, plus the level 1 and 2 swimming teacher qualification which I passed with flying colours. Even if I could translate the course into a French qualification I am not even sure I want to stay in France. Please note I have a French girlfriend and I love France, it's always been my dream, but it's slowly turning into a nightmare, anybody else have the same experience? Is the dream of living a comfortable life in France still viable? What do you all think?
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I feel very sorry for young people who have to make a living here. Most of us are either retired or have sold property in the UK, or have a rental income from there. Even those with businesses probably had a sum of money to bring over.

I worked for about 12 years, but never in a CDI, and was often badly paid, but I had a small rental income to help.

On the other hand I am not sure that the situation is much easier in the UK.  It is no 'dream' anywhere

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agreed with you Norman, I think those of us at working age in France are really finding it hard to get work at the moment, for the simple reason that there are many French people out of work in the country who can do the same work, so why hire a Brit? It's logical when you think of it, because I'm sure in the UK we'd do the same. I'm considering moving to Annemasse near the Swiss border, and finding work in Geneva, that is a sure fire way to get away from this "hopeless" situation at the moment in France, I too have a house for rent, I'm living in the other to save on costs.....it's hard when you haven't got much in the way of options.....sorry for being so gloomy on a Thursday morning.....loool

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The young getting work has been a problem in France for many many years.


I can only feel for you at the moment,   have you checked to see what the work situation is in Geneve, I think you should before you move. Maybe keep an eye on swiss news, Tele Suisse Romande, on TV5 Monde too.

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Hi Glacier

We've found work for french nephews and neices in the Thames Valley area without any difficulty. In some cases unseen, or interviewed, with really poor English! Maybe in your case it will mean a compromise on position, but hopefully not for too long.

I think it is difficult for British people to

understand, just how bad the job situation is in France, and has been for over 10 years. The UK position now, is what it was like in the boom times in France! It is very, very sad. Just be grateful you haven't got a Maghrebi name, or skin!
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Thanks for your replies......I know the UK ain't getting better anytime soon but I KNOW I could find work there no problem, here I have my doubts, it's 5 years since I've been here, and there comes a time when you fight for your rights when you ask is it really worth fighting? I find, my own personal experience, that businesses here have a 1970's way of treating their staff, it's strange coming from the UK where we are open to all sexes, religions, nationalities that here it's just so bias and unforgiving. What do you think?
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