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Does anyone know if a erecting conservatory (in a non-conservation area) is a PdC matter or simply a DdT?

Also is a veranda (for want of a better word: a run of corrugated fibrocement sheets attached to the house and supported by stone pillars) still a veranda if I enclose it?


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[quote]Does anyone know if a erecting conservatory (in a non-conservation area) is a PdC matter or simply a DdT? Also is a veranda (for want of a better word: a run of corrugated fibrocement sheets attached...[/quote]

a) I suspect that, if it is less than 20M2, then it is a DdT - but ask your Mairie.

b) My dictionary defines verandah as; A porch or balcony, usually roofed and often partly enclosed, extending along the outside of a building. That doesn't really help, does it?!

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[quote]a) I suspect that, if it is less than 20M2, then it is a DdT - but ask your Mairie. b) My dictionary defines verandah as; A porch or balcony, usually roofed and often partly enclosed, extending alon...[/quote]

"... a) I suspect that, if it is less than 20M2, then it is a DdT - but ask your Mairie..."

Thanks for that, I'll get the tape measure out as see.

"...b) My dictionary defines verandah as; A porch or balcony, usually roofed and often partly enclosed, extending along the outside of a building. That doesn't really help, does it?!.."

erm not greatly, no, but thanks anyway. (I tried spelling it with an 'h' but it looked too fhar beck: very "pah's carh is a jaguarh"  but you obviously went to a good skool where they taught proper spelling an' stuff!) .

Definitions can be dangerously maliable things: in our last house we had a conservatory built on a huge decking area which also contained a large pond which ran under part of the decking. The whole thing being called 'the jetty' because Chambers defined a jetty as, "a wooden structure extending over water."

Sounds to me like a spell of drawing followed by a visit to the Marie is in order.





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